Entry Eighty-Six

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Entry Eighty-Six:

I have a serious question.

Okay so last night Louis said "goodnight"- among other things- to me. (In case you were wondering, we share a bunk on the bus even though it's, like, not even big enough for one person. This is beside the point I just feel like sharing okay? Okay.)

Well I was thinking, and 'goodnight' means like "goodbye". It's like going away. And 'good morning' and 'good afternoon' and 'good evening' are all greetings.

Why is that?? Is it because you're leaving to go to sleep? You could be sleeping in morning too though!!

I don't even know it's just. It struck me for some reason. It made me quite curious.

I'm weird, I suppose. Sigh.

-Harry xx

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