Entry Sixty-Four

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Entry Sixty-Four:

The interview was for this magazine, nothing huge, but not anything to blow off mentally, either.

You had to be careful what you said to teen magazine interviewer people.

Very careful.

You know, the fans aren't aware Louis and I live together. They think we did at a time, but kind of pulled away because we got tired of each other. We still live together, and while it was a close call with Eleanor, we haven't split or even thought about it.

Why Im saying this is because I screwed up. They asked about life at home. The meant family, but I didn't catch that and by the time I started rambling I couldn't stop.

I'm a suckish liar, too.

So now they think Liam and I live together. (Uh no.)

But that we only live together because I "don't like Louis as more than a friend and he's too emotional to handle the fact that I am not gay". Well. Isn't that promising?

Management said Id really made a mess of myself and the entire band for that matter. I agree.

I'm hoping the fans are dumb and won't catch my fibs.

But they're smart. Extremely smart.

In fact I bet you they have a camera hidden in the spine of this journal, and they're watching me write, live, and enjoying a batch of popcorn as they do so.

And it even has extra butter. That's how genius they are.

-Harry xx

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