Entry Fifty-Two

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Entry Fifty-Two:

So. Enough about that Nick fellow.

Personally I can't begin to fathom whats going on over there in his little mind. I've already got one sex god to worry about.

Louis is perfectly normal now. He isn't sad anymore about his break up with El, he said he actually saw it coming. (He sure didn't cry like he saw it coming..) But anyway, good for him. She made him the happiest guy he's been in his entire life. (Even though she crushed his heart to dust more than twice and was the most self-obsessed slut Ive ever met.) And he moved on really quickly.

Last night I asked him about his love life when we were watching this movie he found on Netflix. (The film really didn't make sense but maybe that was because I was staring at his lips and his eyes and then his lips again for the entire hour and a half.) He actually blushed. And I was playing all innocent and was like "come on man". And he said that he indeed had a little crush on someone. I asked if I knew them and he said, "oh yes, very well." And I sighed and leaned on his shoulder as the credits rolled and wondered if it was me. Thank god this was a movie that had a huge amount of them, I think the words flew down the screen for at least five minutes. (Maybe it's that I was with Louis. He makes time slow down and concentrate on the most important moments, even though he likes to live fast.) I was hoping that they wouldn't ever stop playing. That they would stay on repeat for an infinity or two, and Louis and I could sit like this forever. They ended and the light of the television faded and the screen went dark, leaving the both of us together and alone. I was sure Louis would stand up and excuse himself to bed, and I'd sit here wondering for hours if maybe I could've kissed him again and he wouldn't have minded. But I didn't have to worry about him abandoning me, even if I hadn't kissed him.

Louis stayed.

-Harry xx

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