Entry Eighty-Five

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Entry Eighty-Five:

Wedding planning.

 It's entirely too stressful, but I guess when you expect the outcome to be utter perfection, there's a bit of an edge on things.

 It's been a month and all we have figured out is the chairs. Just chairs. We're going to have the ceremony outside, so while that's a pretty important thing, it isnt even close to the tip of the iceberg. But they're pretty cool chairs, to be honest. I cried a lot picking them out though.. There were so many chairs and they had to be perfect and, ugh, I was just a hot mess. Louis is so sweet for putting up with me.

 I'm not even sure where we're getting married- but I heard London is allowing gay marriage so... But I'm not sure. I'll keep you posted on what Lou and I decide.

 We aren't allowed to tell the fans, about us I mean- it's just kind of this big secret Lou and I have. They don't even know we're a couple! Most of them, anyway- there's like this little group of people that can see past everything and aknowlege and support our relationship. They're called Larry shippers. I'm not sure why, but I like to imagine they make lots of boats with our faces on them. I'd buy one of those.

 We're on tour now! Fun times. This one girl showed up with this sign that said "Harry give me your gravy!" (So, sometimes a bit less 'fun' and a little 'scary'..) But if anything, it's entertaining.

 You know having a journal is like.. Like talking to yourself. Or writing yourself letters, like about your day. Like when your friend asks "Hey Harry, how was your day? What are ya thinking about?". That's what it is. But I have friends that could ask, that do ask, so why do I have this? Do I write in this because I'm lonely? Or just insane? Both?

 Speaking of insanity, Louis is talking about getting couple tattoos with me. Like. He said a lock and key, because I hold the key to his heart, and vice versa. And while that was really sweet of him, I had to go and ruin it by saying "okay but only if I get the key and you get the lock because I top". (I'm quite the charmer...)

He gave me a weird look and insisted he wanted the key, and I agreed that he should choose anyway because it was his idea. But then he dismised the whole thing so... There you have it. Oops?

But I do top. If you were wondering. Which you weren't. Cos you're a book. But if you were. Wondering, I mean.


 It's late (or early morning?) and the boys and I have quite a lot of things to do (with 3 hours sleep... Ugh. Perks of being famous.) tomorrow, so I'm going to say good-night (or good-earlymorning?) to you.

 Byyyyyeeee, I'll write again soon.

-Harry xx

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