Entry Ninety

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Entry Ninety:

The fans scare me a bit, honestly.

I mean they're all great people and I just want to scoop them all up and kiss all of their beautiful faces, and they've done so so so much for us, its simply uncanny. But sometimes I question their mental stability. (Look who's talking.)

For instance, this one girl showed up at the concert in Germany with a mask of Liam, and that was really freaky. Because you'd look out at the crowd and see a Liam face with a ponytail wearing a crop top and short shorts and it was really really creepy to me for some reason. Maybe because I -never in my wildest dreams- want to see Liam in short shorts. I'd say I'm probably the only person in the world to say that, but still.

And this other time someone got their socks, you know, and they wrote their name and number on them and threw them at me but. Well I don't know, maybe that's not the definition of 'insane' but I still found it a bit concerning that they wrote their personal information on a sock. Like, I could be walking around in those socks and sandals (but who does that really?) and everyone I passed would know that girl's name and cell number and I don't know it just stressed me out.

So, children, (Apparently you're my child now. Let that sink in.) don't write your phone number on clothes.

Today's life lesson in the search of a better tomorrow. Woop dee doo.

-Harry xx

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