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By Liam James Payne

-And edited by a very irritated Harry

Harry, you are adorable but extremely idiotic. 

-I try.

I know wayyyy too much about you than I should, thanks to this little book.

-You are oh-so-very welcome.

First off I want to say HA! I called it. I predicted you and Louis and I told you I did and you said I didn't but I did. So there. And don't you dare deny it.

-Denying ittttttt.

Also, even though this book was not for my reading, you did not have to inform me/whomever you are directing this information to that you top. That's disgusting. And strange. What's also strange is that I was mildly curious. But in all honesty, man, don't put that stuff on paper. It kills trees.

-Does it happen to kill diary snoopers as well? Hm?

Whyyyy did you write about Dani?¿?¿?

-Li I wrote her name like twice max.

"Boat people"...? Harry, just no. Just no, okay?


Fyi, I look good in short shorts!! Hmph. Jerk.

-Sure you do, chicken legs.

The kisses at the end are weird; stop. I don't like. 


He who shall not be named wasn't a good addition to your life and I can't believe it took you so long to realize that.

-Same. Talk about ignorant.

•The song in the back is so cute it makes me want to rip my hair out.

-That was exactly the response I was hoping for!



•You still have a purse.

-No one has to know that!!

•You are honestly a really strange individual. Whether that's good or bad I'm not sure.

-All of these notes you've made are accusing me of my (flawless but unique, mind you) personality! Way to be supportive.

Overall, good job getting all of this stuff out there! I know everything is so stressful nowadays, I gathered that this book was your outlet. Thats good. It isnt healthy to keep everything bottled up inside you. I hope you continue writing! I am quite proud of you and promise never to break into your journal-not-diary again. If I do, I won't tell you I did so by leaving comments.  Heh heh.

-You are an evil mastermind, my friend.

Don't kill me for reading?

-I'll consider it. But in the meantime watch your step.. Just kidding. But no, seriously.

Is this a talk show?

-No. And if you talk or show, :)

Big love, mate! 

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