Entry Forty-Seven

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Entry Forty-Seven:

This morning, right after I wrote the previous entry, I walked downstairs, prepared for anyone to throw anything my way.

The guy I loved and had had a crush on for a long, long time kissed me.

Do you know how great that felt? To know that you'd been right about him, that he liked you back. Heck, Lou and I were practically married already.

I was ready to do anything, go anywhere, forget about everyone. Except for that individual that I loved. I put our relationship on the line, and I got rewarded for it. Go, Harry.

I was ready for him to jump out at me when I walked into the kitchen. To say,"hey baby, how'd you sleep?" And I'd say,"fine, but better if you'd have been with me." And then we would kiss and he would tell me he loved me.

So I went into the kitchen, but he wasn't there. There were crisps spilled all over the floor and table, plastic cups sitting everywhere, some half filled with room temperature beer, others with their contents spilled on the counter.

And then I heard this groan, and I went to Louis' room, and I opened the door and I found him burying his head in his pillow. I asked him what was wrong and he said he was nursing a "massive hangover". I told him that I was sorry for his apparent headache, and that I was glad everyone had a wild good time last night (most of it anyway) including myself and that it was a good idea to have a party.

He said he didn't remember any of it.


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