Entry Fifty-Five

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Entry Fifty-Five:


Today I woke up and went out into the living room.

I was sure Louis would have gone off to his own bed by then, but he hadn't.

He was lying on the sofa, face buried in a scratchy couch pillow, snoring lightly as locks of his light brown hair spilled over his complexion in messy little bunches. His eyes were closed, but I knew the stormy ocean blue still remained under his eyelids. The egdes of them were lined with long soft eyelashes.

He looked adorable.

I don't know why, something just came over me.

I didn't think as I leant down, down, closer, closer to his beautiful face, or even as I pecked his forehead, letting my lips linger there for a few seconds.

I pulled away, satisfied, turning around to make a pot of tea. But then I noticed something.

His eyes were open. And he was staring right at me.

-Harry xx

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