Entry Sixty-Nine

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Entry Sixty-Nine:

Today I told my mum and Gemma. Over speaker phone.

I told them that I was gay, and that I was in love with Louis.

They asked multiple times if we had poor connection and they heard me wrong.

I said 'no' and they said 'what?' But not in a shocked way, in an I-Cant-Understand-What-The-Heck-Youre-Saying way.

Eventually I got them to hear me, and I wouldn't be surprised if the entire neighborhood heard me screaming "IM GAY" into my phone speaker.

Anyway, they were cool with it. Gemma said she knew Louis and I were dating by the way we acted when we were over there.

I didn't correct her, she would be right anyway in a couple of days.

I am grinning like an idiot.

-Harry xx

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