Entry Twenty-Three

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Entry Twenty-Three:

We are indeed on the way to my mum's house. :) I think Louis likes Anne, and I know he and Gemma are somewhat parters in crime. Maybe they'll cheer him up. It was brave of him to agree to go with me. Not that I really gave him a choice..

But now we're borrowing Liam's car because I didn't really feel like putting my car on the line of getting scratched and my dearest Li Li wouldn't mind at all. Okay, he would, but that's beside my point. He trusted me with it anyway. His fault if its missing a bumper when he gets it back.

Louis is actually driving. Just a little moment back he was a sobbing mess on the sofa, and now it's as if nothing ever happened.

He's also glancing at my journal as I write and I tell him to keep his eyes on the road and he playfully smacks me in the arm and laughs. He's calling me "Curly" again. I think that these are signs that he's getting better. Many thanks to his knight in shining armor that watched sappy movies with him all day yesterday, Harry Styles.

Im writing his song in the back of my journal, by the way. :)

Oh! And I went on the web and looked through a bunch of pictures of Lou and I.

They call us Larry. Isn't that adorable?

If you disagree your opinion is irrelevant.

-Harry xx

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