Entry Eighty-Four

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Entry Eighty-Four:

The funniest thing happened today.

Louis invited Niall, Liam and Zayn over to catch up. We kind of sat around the flat and talked and teased each other about our love life. Niall's single, and none of us will let him forget it. He knows we're only kidding, though. We'd never upset our little leprechaun.

But they left around 5 pm, and Lou suggested we get something to eat. I nominated Chinese take-out. He agreed instantly.

So we went home and ate something with rice and what I assumed to be chicken or pork, and then he went to throw away the bag and cartons and scooped out a fortune cookie. He threw away the bags and came back and gave it to me. He told me "There's only one but you can have it, I'm full."

So I opened it up carefully and split the cookie, pulling out the slip of paper and unfolding it. In small, scribbly handwriting, Louis' handwriting, there was a message. Harry Edward Styles, will you marry me?

When I pulled it away from my face, I saw Louis on one knee in front of me.

He had a ring in a little velvet box, and a proud smile on his face. I tried desperately to breathe.

He said a lot of things. Things about love and my smile and how I was the only person that made him feel whole. I didn't hear most of it. I was sobbing.

But I managed a "yes yes yes yes yes yes" and he slid the gold band on my finger and we shared the most intimate kiss in the history of kisses.

I guess I don't need to make any possible death-cookies after all.

-Harry xx

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