Chapter 5: Diary entries

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Marvellous beginning of the morning. What could be better than a threat message once you open your eyes? I was thinking about last week and it was pretty much overwhelming - funeral, revenge, inheritance, boarding school, dormitory, illegal pet in the room... Did I forget anything? Finally, the threat.

No, I can't say I'm afraid or something - probably, it's Mabel or one of her mean company. Maybe, whoever that is jealous of my luckiness. I just won't take it serious - the day is too beautiful for any issues.

The alarm clock went off. Caroline slowly opened her eyes and switched it off. There is going to be a surprise...

I didn't say a word. Stormy jumped directly on Caroline's knees immediately at the moment when she sat on her bed.

"What... What is it?" She exclaimed, pointing at Stormy, who was purring contentedly on her bed.

"You wanted to ask "who is it"?" I laughed.

"Emm... I'm not sure what I wanted to ask..."

She stared at the little black furball in disbelief, her eyes widening with shock and confusion.

"Her name is Stormy and she will live with us." I said as if nothing had happened (really, what unusual had happened?).

"With us!?"

"She's too young to take care of herself," I explained.

As a result, I had to tell in details about all this affair that had happened just a few hours ago. What else had I to do?

"But you know, the pets are forbidden according to the rules."

"Do you always stick to the rules?" I raised one eyebrow.

"Emm... I don't violate them that often, do you?"

"If it's about our loved ones," I pointed at the kitten, "Then, why not?"

She couldn't help but agree with everything.

"I will buy everything that is needed for her today after lessons," I informed, "She deserves my love and care. And that will be our little secret."

I smiled genuinely and Caroline just sighed.


As the day went on, Stormy became a beloved member of our dorm room. My roommate and I took turns caring for her, feeding her and playing with her during our study breaks. I hope Caroline will get used to it soon - it seems she's already started to love the kitten.

I didn't think I wanted to make friends with my roommate but no matter how it was, some common topics for conversation appeared.

"Liandra, how do you see your future?"

Yes, she was not the exact person to have fun with, but only to have serious debates - don't you remember I'm surrounded by nerds?

"Who knows?" I shrugged. "Maybe travelling the world as a photographer, capturing moments and telling stories through my lens."

"Wow, sounds amazing!" Caroline said. "Is it just a dream or you practise it?"

"I have attended photo club for a few years in the past, but now I just learn some things myself. It's a lot more interesting be an autodidact," I explained.

"That's even more wonderful."

"Yeah, but my parents don't take my dreams seriously. They want me to pursue something more practical, like law or medicine."

"That's not fair. You should be able to follow your passions."

"Especially when you are seeking for creativity..."

The Diary Keeper ["The Dark Legacies" Series]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ