Chapter 56: Do not turn back

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I was standing in the heart of the lush greenhouse, bathed in the soft glow of dappled sunlight. I found Harper, a vision of melancholy beauty. She was a mere girl of ten, yet her eyes held a depth of sorrow that seemed to stretch beyond her years.

Surrounded by clusters of violet hydrangeas, their delicate petals a reflection of her own poignant soul, she sat in quiet contemplation. Her fingers gently traced the velvety petals, a tender caress that spoke of an unspoken bond.

In the hushed serenity of that moment, it was as if the very essence of the hydrangeas had infused Harper's spirit. The room, suffused with the fragrance of earth and blooming flora, was a sanctuary where the boundaries between nature and the human heart blurred. Harper's silence spoke volumes, a silent plea for solace in a world that had dealt her a hand of sorrow too heavy for a child to bear.

As I approached Harper, sitting amidst the delicate violet hydrangeas, a profound sadness weighed down the air in the greenhouse. I felt compelled to reach out, to offer comfort, to let her know she wasn't alone.

"Harper," my voice was gentle and reassuring, "you're not alone in this. We're here for you, no matter what you're going through."

Harper, however, remained distant and silent, her gaze fixed upon the fading blossoms. It was as though she inhabited a world of her own pain, a place I couldn't quite reach.

Desperate to bridge the gap between us, I extended my arms to embrace her, hoping to provide the warmth and reassurance she so desperately needed. But then something inexplicable happened. Harper seemed to slip away, dissipating like a wisp of smoke. I clung to her, my heart pounding with fear, but she continued to fade until she was gone, leaving behind only an overwhelming sense of emptiness.

I quickly glanced at the hydrangeas - they were withered now.

I woke up suddenly, my heart racing. Oh God, it was just a nightmare. My breathing slowly returned to normal as I tried to shake off the lingering feeling of dread that the dream had left behind.

I glanced at the clock – it was 1 a. m. When had I even fallen asleep? I had made a firm promise to myself not to sleep today, so I wouldn't miss the important meeting.

Stormy was nestled close to me, purring softly as I sat there lost in thought. Her gentle meowing was oddly comforting in the midst of my turbulent emotions. As I absentmindedly stroked his sleek coat, the rhythm of his purring seemed to soothe the chaos swirling in my mind.

There was still enough time until 2 a. m. I needed to gather my thoughts. I needed to pull myself together.

Caroline was sleeping peacefully on her bed, having no idea about my plans for today. I didn't tell her anything. Kaira also doesn’t know about the invitation. I decided to leave it for myself.

The moon bathed the landscape in its silvery glow, casting elongated shadows that whispered secrets to the night. Most souls sought refuge in the tender embrace of sleep, their thoughts surrendered to the realm of dreams.

Normal people were sleeping at that time, but I was not the normal one.

It's finally 2 a.m., and here I am, standing in the dimly lit hall of Di Flores Manor. The atmosphere is heavy and silent, as always. My eyelids droop heavily, and I yearn for sleep more than anything else right now. But sleep will have to wait.

Maybe it was a huge mistake to come here, maybe it's a trap, maybe it's a grave danger. I will find out soon. Yes, I'm too foolish to care for safety and too reckless to just stay at my dorm room. Sorry, mum and dad.

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