Part 1: Ashley's wedding

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Diana's POV: (Present time)

Today, my dearest friend, Ashley, is getting married.

Ashley and I've known each other for about 15 years already, and as far as I remember, I've always been into her. Wanting to protect and take care of her at any cost.

First, I wasn't aware of my feelings for her. However, as we hit 15, I realized that she was not just a friend to me. I'm attracted to her more than that, but I couldn't accept the fact that I like her easily.
For about a year, I was stuck in a state of denial since I had a boyfriend at that time, and I was okay with him. As time passed and I kept investigating my identity and digging into my feelings, I accepted that I was possibly bisexual in the end.

Although my accepting my own preferences or my love for her hasn't had anything to do with getting into a romantic relationship with her, since Ashley is straight as hell, always having those kinds of dreams to get married to her prince charming.
So I'd have made an idiot of myself by confessing to her. Calculating things and being logical is my favorite thing to do, and I don't like investing in things I know the outcome will be. Even if that problem is love, I prefer to use my brain instead of my heart.


And here we are standing at her ceremony, watching Ashley walk down the aisle while her father holds her hand.
As I was watching her approaching the groom named Sam, my heart started to feel empty inside.
This scene was a bit harder than I expected, even though I imagined and trained my mind hundreds of times before to get my heart ready for this upcoming damage. There is no denying that reality always hits us differently.
Ashley and Sam read their vows and exchanged rings after that. The look in their eyes and the emotions in the air were palpable as they kissed. I could feel a lump in my throat watching them, yet I hoped that they would be happy together.

I should send Ashley to her new phase of life with best wishes. And that's all I wanted then as her true friend.


As soon as the main event was over, everyone was busy eating while moving their bodies to the rhythm slowly as the music was in the air in that big yard decorated with thousands of white flowers and green leaves. The wedding yard was a beautiful sight to behold, with lush green grass and a multitude of white flowers in full bloom. The air was filled with the scent of roses and other fragrant flowers, and a soft breeze stirred the gently swaying branches of the trees. There were tables and chairs dotted around for guests to sit and socialize, and a dancefloor had been set up in the center of the yard. The evening was illuminated by twinkling fairy lights and candles, creating a romantic atmosphere.


I walked past the guests and stood up somewhere that gave me some space to be alone. Grabbed my cigarette out of my sparkling black bag, which Ashley had me buy, although I didn't like it. I lit my cigarette hanging between my lips with my silver lighter while watching them from afar.

As I blew smoke out of my mouth, I noticed the sound of someone sniffling nearby. My attention was drawn to the sound I heard, so I turned my head to the right side. It was Lily in her Long-Sleeve Square-Neck Plain pink Maxi, Ashley's neighbor when she was still at her parents' house. My eyes were locked on her teary eyes as if she had seen through my mind. "Why are you crying?..." I said.

She muttered while sobbing, "You like her, don't you?..." She stared at me for an answer.
I was taken aback by her sudden question. 

I wondered, was I that obvious? How the hell did she find out?!... "Fuck..." I mumbled out of frustration. I've wanted to take my little secret to the grave!

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