Part 13: I Want You

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Lily's POV:


"What did you just say?..." Diana asked with a puzzled face.

Then I said, "Do you remember I told you that you're my role model? Have you ever thought about the reason behind it?..."

She stayed silent and I stared at her for a few seconds, then I continued, "Since Ashley kept talking about you whenever we were together and I became aware of you after that little by little, I was amazed by how great you are.
You're indeed a perfect person...
Accepted from one of the finest universities with high grades and you already have your own business, a car, and a house.
You live completely independently of the support of your parents. You know so many different languages, which shows you're incredibly intelligent and smart.
Also, you've been kind, supportive, and humble with a big heart despite the fact that sometimes you seem cold and distant... So I~... Whenever I thought of it, I wondered if I could ever be someone like you... "

I inhaled a breath and added while my voice was trembling, "But now~... Acknowledging that you wanna be in a beneficial relationship and ignoring your own feelings or his made me disappointed~
I can't understand why you~ "

"We can call our friendship off if you're disappointed." She snapped at me with a cold expression on her face.

Her words made my heart sink...

I mumbled, "That's not~... What... I~..."

"Lily! I've never asked you to idolise me!..." she raised her voice and then continued, "I'm also a human! I'm not as perfect as you imagined me!... "

Diana sprang up from the couch and let out a big sigh frustratingly, "Get out..."

My eyes widened in shock, "Diane~... "

Suddenly, she yelled, "Don't think you can lecture me now that you're closer to me!... You know nothing about me!... Just get out of my house!"

As she repeated "Get out" again, I reminisced about the time when my dad had almost kicked me out of the house before locking me in the basement after my sister's incident...

I remembered all those tough moments of begging him to forgive me and not to make me leave our house, while he kept repeating, "Get out, I don't want a daughter like you!"

My whole body shivered with overwhelmed feelings that were rushing into my mind at the speed of light.
I slipped down the couch, kneeling on my knees, and grabbed Diana's leg to beg her as she avoided my gaze. "I'm Sorry!~... I'm sorry!... I said something stupid... I won't do it again!... I'm sorry..."

I was so anxious, and my heart was beating at full speed that I couldn't breathe normally, and my hands were cold as ice as tears started to flow down my cheeks.


Diana's POV:


I was so pissed off that I hadn't noticed what I'm even doing to her. I grabbed her forearms and separated them from my leg, then lifted her by pulling up her arms aggressively.

As she was still in my grasp, my gaze locked on hers, and I was lost in her desperate ocean-like eyes that were now filled with waves of tears.
I couldn't say anything as if someone had zipped my lips.
I just stared at Lily while she said sorry nonstop until she was running out of breath, and leaned her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist, grasping my T-shirt tightly as she sobbed "I'm sorry~~... Don't kick me~... out~..."

I was taken aback by her reaction. "Lily... Heyy!~... I won't!... I was just~... "

I hugged Lily and stroked her hair with my hand and rubbed her back gently as I didn't have anything to say until she calmed down and stopped crying.

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