Chapter 32: I'm sorry that I loved you

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⚠️ Trigger warning: Strong language and self-harm attempt.
Diana's POV:

"Happy birthday, Dee."

I whispered into her ears as my body tensed. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Ashley held me still in her arms and scoffed in a low tone. "You should've let your parents know if you didn't want me here."

I grabbed her arms firmly and pushed her away from my body. I hissed, "You seriously have no shame."

"Dee, help me set the table for dinner!"

My mom called me which put a smirk on Ashley's face.

"You didn't expect me to just stay low and do nothing when you treated me like shit, right?" Ashley then turned around and said in a cheerful way. "Let me help you, Sally!"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at her walking towards my mom. It couldn't be worse...

Lily held the hem of my pullover cautiously which made me turn my gaze from Ashley to her. She asked with her sorrowful eyes, "W-why?... W-weren't you...?"

I could sense that her mind was exploding with thousands of questions, making her stutter.
I nuzzled her hair and I said, "Mom must've wanted to surprise me... She doesn't know anything yet."

Lily opened her mouth to say something but she just dropped her head and averted her gaze in silence.

I said calmly, "Take a seat. We'll leave right after dinner, so let's bear with it."

I walked into the kitchen to help my mom as she and Ashley were busy chatting instead of actually working. I let out a sigh while I picked up the plates from the cabinet.

I took a glance at Lily as I approached the dining table. She sat in the armchair quietly, probably drowning in the ocean of her thoughts. Her expression didn't show any signs of being fine which made my heart wince in pain.

It's my fault...

I should have told my parents...

About Ashley...

About Lily...


Once everyone was seated, everyone started filling their plates.

I should confess that I was stunned by how my mom really did her best to prepare this dinner for my birthday.

The table was filled with a variety of dishes, including a delicious homemade soup.
The soup bowl was placed at the center of the table, surrounded by plates of different cuisines.
There were dishes with roasted vegetables, grilled chicken, and a pasta dish with succulent meatballs. The table exuded an aroma of diverse flavors, and it looked very inviting.

Everything could have been so perfect if Ashley wasn't here enjoying her meal in front of me with a big annoying smile on her face while Lily was just staring at her dish sadly, not even taking a bite.

Heaven must really hate me...

As I stuffed a meatball into my mouth, chewing on it, my mom asked while staring at me, "Why do you guys look awkward?"

Before I could even answer, her eyes fell on Lily and then she asked, "Lily, why don't you eat anything? Don't you like the taste?"

Lily was taken aback. She forced herself into a smile and answered, "No! I like it! It's delicious!... I just feel sick to my stomach."

"Ppfffttt..." Ashley laughed in response and then scoffed. "She must be... sick... because of me..."

I glared at Ashley as my mom asked her in confusion. "Why? Aren't you two friends? Or did you guys have a fight?"

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