Part 10: Jealously

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Lily's POV:


Diana stared at me seriously, waiting for a response from me...

But her question made me startled, and I also wondered for a second whether I liked her or not?

Of course I like her, if not I wouldn't have followed her for such a long time...
However, she seemed so hard to get that my greatest wish was to be her friend...
I'd never thought about taking it further...
I felt like if I said something stupid, she would push me away, and I didn't want that...

I anxiously answered as my voice cracked a bit, "Ahaha~... I~... Like you~... But, not that way~... And about Ashley, I was just concerned about you~... That's all~..."

When I looked at Diana, her face was so expressionless that I couldn't figure out what she was thinking. Then she said, "That's a relief, Lily..."

My heart throbbed as I heard that...
Something weighed heavily on my heart...

...Relief?!... What's that supposed to mean?!...

"Why did you try to kiss me?" I gritted my teeth.

Diana flinched at my question and said, "Is that why you left yesterday?!... It was just a whim! I'm sorry about that, honestly. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." Sighing.

I glared at her as angst filled me inside. She added regrettably, " I was at fault, and I won't do it again~~, so will you forgive me?~"

"It's okay." I said faintly as I clenched my fists. I didn't have another choice than to forgive her and forget what had happened since I was the one who needed Diana's presence in my life.

Diana grinned and said, "Now, we're good~... I apologize again~...
Hurry and get ready! Or we're going to late for dinner!..." and pulled back...

I walked towards my closet silently, wondering what I should wear.
I searched for a while and chose a long white dress with tiny blue floral patterns, a round neckline, and slightly puffed short sleeves. I also picked up a light blue knitted jacket to wear with it.

Then I showed them to Diana as she sat on my bed waiting, "Are these okay?"

She had such a poker face and nodded, "Well, if you're comfortable with them, it's okay, I guess."

I glanced at Diana's clothes, wearing denim straight jeans with her black cotton coat and a white long-sleeved shirt underneath, and I then sighed.

"Lily, you don't have to compare our styles~... Everyone has their unique tastes, and I think that dress looks more suited to you because you have a delicate feminine side." She said calmly.

I suddenly got flustered and blushed. "You think so?~... So I'll wear this!"

...How does she know what I'm thinking every fucking time?!...

As I hurriedly took out my clothes, Diana turned her head away, playing with her phone awkwardly. The corners of my lips turned upwards as I realized that she also had a shy side.

Having finished changing, I brushed my hair and put on a bit of makeup, then I said, "I'm ready!"

"Let's go," Diana stated.



After picking up Ashley's brother, Alex, we bought a bouquet of flowers with a bottle of champagne and chocolates. We then headed to their newlywed home.


Upon entering their house, we greeted Sam and Ashley.
The newlywed home was filled with joy and warmth. The walls were freshly painted in a light cream color, and decorated with romantic photographs of Sam and Ashley.
The furniture was made of soft, inviting fabrics, and the atmosphere was alive with the energy of newlywed bliss. The house was filled with fresh flowers, and the aroma of freshly cooked meals wafted through the air.
It was clear that Sam and Ashley had put a lot of love and care into making their house a home.

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