Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

AFTER THEIR EMOTIONAL roller coaster of a call the 118 went back to the station to refuel the fire and rescue engine.

"Alright," Bobby announced as everyone got out of the fire engine. "Let's refuel. We're back out there in five minutes."

Eddie took Eve by the hand and guided her to his truck. "Keep these on you because we have no clue when we're getting back here." He spoke handing over a small container holding two pills. (I base everything epileptic off me, so I'm not pulling shit out of my ass)

"Bossy." Eve joked, taking the container and putting it in her pocket. "Shall we, my love?" She smiled gesturing her arms towards the fire engine.

"I guess so." Eddie smiled back.

The 118 started riding around after they restocked the fire engine and ambulance.

Thirty minutes into their rounds Chimney called Buck informing him of a neighborhood that was going up in flames.

When the team arrived on scene the neighborhood was filled with smoke.

"Dispatch this is captain 118." Bobby spoke into his radio "we're at Doheny Park. Multiple residential structure fires. Send everything you can."

"Copy that 118." Josh responded on the other end. "I'm trying to find additional resources for you, but you might be on your own for the next 15, maybe 20 minutes."

"Copy that."

The fire engine came to a stop in front of a house that was in flames and as they where getting out to help anyone a man came running up to them frantic.

"Help!" He yelled at the firefighters. "You got to help!" The man pointed towards his house which was hit the worst. "My son! He's trapped upstairs!"

"Do you know where?" Bobby questioned the panicked father. "Which room?"

"I don't know I haven't seen him." The man answered.

Eve and Eddie stepped towards the burning house and looked at the windows in hopes of finding the boy.

Eve hit her fiancé's arm and pointed up at the window she saw the young boy at.

"Cap." Eddie announced. "We see him! Upstairs window!"

When the words left Eddie's mouth another explosion happens at the very house causing Eddie to cover eve and for the father to try and run to the house to reach his son.

Eddie held back the terrified father while eve held back his daughter.

"I know you want to get your son, but it won't help if we have to go after you too." Eve told the family.

Bobby put buck on ladder duty and told eve to help while Eddie tried figuring out the fire hydrant issue.

"Whose going up?" Eve questioned her brother as the positioned the ladder.

"I will." Buck answered before he started his adventure across the ladder.

While buck was making his way to the house the young boy moved to a different room causing eve to move the ladder up and out more than she already had to.

"Almost there." Buck told his sister after he reassured the young boy that he was coming to get him.

As buck reached his hand out to the boy the medal started creaking sounding like it was moments away from break.

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