Chapter Sixty Five

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S4Ep2-Alone Together

Starting now this book will transition from Eve's pov to Wren's just like the show.
Ex- Scene with wren...break...scene with Eve...break...same scene with wren.
Hope that was good explanation bc I know I suck at them hence me never being a teacher :D

Chapter Sixty Five
Find My Baby

THE DAM BREAK as predicted was causing more trouble than just throwing buses into buildings.

"All of the water from the dam caused more damage than just flooding and mudslides." Maranda, the incident commander told Bobby, Hen, and Eve. "It quickly eroded the bottom of the hill and then-"

"Brought the whole hill down." Bobby finished the women's sentence.

"Most of the damage is concentrated east of the dam." Maranda continued. "Exposed gas lines, unstable structures, and mud. Lots of it."

"Any casualties?" Bobby questioned.

"Two tagged so far," Maranda answered, tilting her head in the direction. "but there's bound to be more. LAPD was evacuating residents when the hill came down. Might not have gotten them all out in time."

Eve, Hen and Bobby looked at each other all thinking of the same people. Athena and Wren.

"Have any officers checked in with mobile command?" Bobby questioned becoming concerned for his wife.

"Not that I've seen, but it's still golden hour."

"It's our best chance to find survivors." Bobby stated. "after that..."

"It becomes a recovering operation." Maranda finished.

"Should we be worried about more of that hill coming down?" Eddie questioned, coming up behind the group.

"Yeah," Bobby answered his firefighter as Chimney and a Buck joined the group. "We work quick, we work safe we hope for the best." Bobby turned back to the incident commander. "Where do you want us?"

"The Hollywood sign." She answered causing the 118 to turn and face where the sign once said Hollywood but now said 'lywood'

"Where's the rest of it?" Buck questioned confused as to where the missing letters where.

"Downhill." Maranda replied. "About where the H landed just west of here. There where some hikers in the area."

"Guess they should have bought a vowel." Chimney joked

"Okay," Bobby began giving instructions to his team. "Hen, Eddie, you're with me at the sign. Chimney, Eve, Buck you three stay here and help search for survivors."

"That's punishment for bad jokes." Hen stated to her friend who didn't seem to like where he was assigned.

"Not bad jokes." Chimney spoke. "Dad jokes. Getting the habit early. I know. I'm gonna be a terrible father."

"Maybe not terrible, but definitely embarrassing." Eve teased before stepping in front of her husband. "Be safe, okay? I can't have you ditching me now."

"I'd be an idiot to leave you." Eddie remarked.

"Yes you would." Eve agreed pulling the man down for a quick kiss. "be as safe as you can."

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