Chapter Thirty Seven

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S3ep5- Rage
Also there's a mention of suicide so please be aware of that, and prepare to hate Buck and his lawyer 0-0

Chapter Thirty Seven
Painful Questions

"SHE'S precious." Pepa told Eddie and Eve as she held Charlie.

"She looks like Eve when she was a baby." Eddie stated.

Eve looked at her husband, confused. "How do you know what I looked like as a baby?"

"Your sister." Eddie stated.

Eve shook her head. "Should've known."

"Why are you two dressed in your work uniform?" Isabel questioned when she came back into the living room from making the new parents a drink.

Eve sighed and looked at the little baby in Pepa's arms.

Eddie rubbed Eve's back before he answered. "We have to go be questioned by Buck's lawyer."

"Which we must go." Eve spoke "We need to be there in thirty minutes."

"PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME." Buck's lawyer told the blonde who was currently glaring daggers at her brother.

"Everyln Rose Buckley-Diaz." She be stated. "Now can we get this over with so I can go feed my baby?"

"Now this isn't a trail, and I'm not a judge." The arbitrator spoke.

"Then why'd you ask me to state my name?" Eve questioned venom lacing her tone. "I mean you probably know every detail of my damn life."

"Eve." Buck muttered.

Eve held up her pointer finger. "You can't talk to me, so don't. So now, let's get this over with before I smack him."

"So Mrs.Diaz you where also crushed by the same fire truck that caused all of this." Chase stated.

"Yes." Eve answered.

"And where you cleared to work?"

"No, because for the past 8 months I was either healing from my broken hip or I was pregnant with the child that is in that lobby with my husband ready to eat."

"She's in the lobby?" Buck questioned.

"Evan," Eve snapped. "Shut up."

"She's right, you can't speak to her." Chase told the boy beside him.

"But would you say that you could be cleared?"

"Yes." Eve answered. "Because I've not had a serious set back such as blood clots that could very well kill me."

"How would you feel if you had the clots Mr, Buckley has experienced?" Chase asked.

"I'd not like it because just like most firefighters they hate having to be still," Eve answered again. "But I'd accept it considering I have people who love me and don't want me to die."

"Alright," chase nodded his head. "earlier this year you had major medical situations, is that correct?"

"Yes." Eve nodded her head, her blank expression never changing.

"Captain Nash also let you back on the job only three weeks after your sister's deceased husband stabbed you, is that correct?"

"Yes." Eve answered.

"So would you say that your captain has a tendency to let people back on the job only a month after something major happened?" Chase asked.

Eve smiled slightly and shook her head. "My Captain let's people back on the job when they're ready." Eve stated. "I was ready."

"Sure, but Bobby still allowed you on the job four years ago after he learned you had a couple seizures at home, which I don't think is too safe."

"That's incorrect." Eve stated again. "Bobby took me to a neurologist to have my medication bumped up."

"But your captain still allowed you on the job before you got your medication bumped up when you knew about the couple seizures you had."

"No." Eve answered. "So let's move on."

"Of course Mrs. Diaz." Chase nodded before looking down at his notes. "Alright. A couple years after you you started as a firefighter, you went through a period of depression, is that correct?"

Eve sat in her seat staring at the lawyer in front of her, then she looked at Buck with pure hurt in her eyes. "Correct." She answered.

"And Captain Nash didn't send you to a mental hospital after you admitted to take your life, is that correct?"

Eve felt a tear fall from her eyes and quickly wiped it way. "Correct, because Bobby knew me going to a hospital wasn't going to help. He knew that I needed to work and needed to know that I had people who loved me."

"Alright, I think that concludes our questiones."

Eve quickly got up and rushed out of the room and went straight to the bathroom.

"What happened?" Eddie immediately asked when he saw the blonde rush away.

Bobby was starting to get pissed because he knew why. "He mentioned her attempt."

Eddie clenched his jaw and his grip on the stroller tightened

"I'll go talk to her." Bobby stated stopping Eddie when he was about to ask someone to watch Charlie.

Eve hadn't made it into a stall because her body felt numb and her hands where trembling to the point locking the door would be impossible.

Eve slid down the bathroom wall and unbutton her top that was making her feel like she was suffocating (she has a white tank top under it btw)

"Eve?" Bobby questioned from outside the women's bathroom.

"B-Bobby." Eve spoke tears flowing down her cheeks. She felt her heart rate increase and could hear it in her ears.

"I'm coming in." The older man stated walking into the women's bathroom and seeing Eve on the floor trying to take slow deep breaths.

Bobby immediately sat down in front of the blonde and took her hands. "Breath with me." He told her as he took deep breaths for her to mock.

Eve did as she was instructed can eventually she was able to calm down and breath evenly. "He told them about—"

"I know." Bobby interrupted her. "He mention my drinking. Now come on, Ms. Charlotte wants her mom."

Bobby stood to his feet and held out his hand to help Eve up.

"Thank you." Eve muttered, hugging the man she considered a father.

"Of course." Bobby spoke, hugging Eve.

"Are you ok?" Eddie immediately asked once Eve came into view.

"Yeah." She smiled slightly. "I'm better now."

"Let's go get something to eat." Chimney spoke patting Eve's back. "Your pick."

When the group reached the elevator Buck came around and gave Eve a sympathetic look after see her red cheeks.

Chimney immediately closed the elevator making Buck know that he screwed up.

Failed both ap exams. Don't know how I did better on the chemistry one did the English but if oh well I'll just have to take these classes again in college. I feel like an idiot ngl. Like how do I fail the English on? I FUCKING WRITE ON THIS APP. But it's fine...I'm fine.

Yeah so...Buck done fucked up wouldn't you say?

I hope I described a panic attack well ish, I've never had one and I had google to help me... and it's google not actual experience so 0-0

Anyway my grandma bought me pity coffee because I'm disappointed in myself ✌🏻 yay failing!

I can probably post another chapter by the time I go to bed so that's gooooood!

But if I don't love y'all, thank you for reading :D

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