Chapter Fifty Four

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S2Ep14-The Talking of Dispatcher 9-1-1

Chapter Fifty Four

THE CAR was way to silent for anyone's good, or well the people who Maddie meant the most to.

Eve was in the back of Athena's police rig while chimney was up front lost in thought.

"You're both awfully quiet." Athena stated, breaking the pair's thoughts. "Should I be worried?"

"No." Chimney sighed.

"Nope." Eve responded, picking at her nails. She had no idea what was going on, she was worried about her sister and what maybe happening at the call center while all she could do was sit in the back of Athena's rig and text Eddie with no updates.

"I mean, I'm still freaked out." Chimney admitted. "But at least we have another member in this."

"We are not partners." Athena told the man. "You're both here so I can keep and on you, make sure you don't do anything foolish."

When the words left Athena's mouth a very familiar black jeep passed Athena's car.

"Is that who I think it is?" Athena inquired, shocked at the sight of the vehicle.

Eve read the license plate. "That's my brother." She nodded, leaning back in her seat informing Eddie on the news.

"Stay in here." Athena told the two passengers.

"How am I supposed to go anywhere?" Eve asked looking around the back seat. "I'm in the back of a cop car which means you're the only one who can let me out."

Athena glared at the blonde who proceeded to raise her hands.

"Hey Buck." Eve and Chimney greeted the new member of Athena's car.

"Hey, Chim, Eve." Buck responded with an annoyed expression.

"You three tell anyone else what's happening at the call center?" Athena questioned.

Both men shook their head while Eve gave a sheepish smile.

"He's my husband." Eve spoke softly. "He's not going to tell anyone else...I don't think."

Athena released a sigh. "Well tell him not to, because I'm running out of room in here."

"Yes ma'am." Eve mumbled, quickly texting Eddie.

ATHENA came up with the plan to go into the call center, leaving the other three members in the car to just wait.

"I need to do something." Buck groaned, laying his head back on the head rest.

"Well good luck getting out of here." Eve retorted, watching the time on her phone.

"You'd go in there and ruin everything." Chimney added just staining a head at the road in front of him. "Get yourself and someone else hurt."

"Stop being logical." Buck grumbled. "It's annoying."

"Well, so are you." Eve smiled.

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