Chapter 1: The Dream And The Job

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You groaned, the sound muffled by the cozy covers, as you sat up and tossed them aside, slipping out of bed. Yawning, you rubbed your eyes and raised your arms high, indulging in a good stretch.

After lowering your arms to your sides, you reluctantly left your bedside, still half-asleep, and began the sluggish trek to the kitchen to investigate the persistent beeping that had roused you from your slumber. As you entered the kitchen, however, you were met with a horrifying sight: your home was ablaze, flames licking at the walls.

The acrid smoke clawed at your lungs, robbing you of precious oxygen. It was suffocating, choking the life out of you. Desperation took hold as you erupted into a fit of violent coughing, your body yearning for air, for life.

You wake up in your bed, drenched in sweat. tears staining your cheeks. It was just a dream... You grab your phone off the bedside table and check your E-Mail. 

"Dear Mx. Y/N,

We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to you from Fazbear.Co! We are excited to inform you that you have been officially accepted for the position of Daycare Assistant, and your journey with us begins today.

Here are the details for your first shifts:

Days: Monday through Thursday

Time: 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM

And for the weekend:

Days: Friday through Sunday

Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 AM

To help you get started on the right foot, Vanessa, one of our friendly team members, will be your guide. She'll show you the ropes and get you familiar with the ins and outs of our daycare.

Just head on over to the daycare's front doors, and Vanessa will be there to meet you.

We're excited to see what you'll bring to the team and can't wait to work together.

If you have any quick questions or need more info before you dive in, feel free to drop us a line.

Once again, welcome to Fazbear.Co, and let's make this a fantastic journey!

From: Fazbear.Co"

You couldn't believe it, you got the job! You'd been working hard to snag this gig, and now it was yours. Sure, you had to beg a bit, but it was totally worth it. Glancing at the clock, it screamed 5:36 AM. Time to hustle if you didn't want to be late on your first day.

You tossed the covers aside, swapped your PJs for something more work-appropriate, grabbed your keys, and zoomed off to the Pizza Plex to kick off your first shift.


Vanessa had a quick chat with you, laying down the do's and don'ts. She emphasized that messing around or flicking off the lights was a big no-no and stressed, "Make sure those kids are safe, no matter what comes up." Before you could even gather your questions, she was off, leaving you standing at the daycare's sturdy double doors.

With a touch of hesitation, you pushed the doors open and stepped inside, carefully shutting them behind you. Before you even got the chance to get used to, or even see your surroundings, you felt metal arms wrap around your waist from behind.

"HELLO NEW FRIEND!" Said a voice from behind you

Instinctively, you used your feet to push against the person behind you, breaking free from their grip. As you regained your footing, you swiftly aimed a heel kick at their chin before returning to your feet, now facing the individual who had been behind you. To your astonishment and bewilderment, the person who had been behind you [now standing in front], wasn't a person at all. Instead, it was a sun animatronic, adorned in a jester's costume, clutching its chin and gazing at you, while also casting a glance toward the ground.

"Ouch! That hurt." it exclaimed, "Hold on... Were you the one who grabbed me?" you inquired, a perplexed look on your face.

"Yeah... Sorry if I gave you a fright, new friend," it responded.

"What's your name, pal?" You paused, contemplating whether to share your name. After all, this was your co-worker, so why not?

"[Y/N], my name's [Y/N]." "Well mister/miss.  [Y/N], I'm Sundrop! you can call me Sun for short!" You smiled at him, he seems to have a childish behaviour. Then again, he is made for kids.

You glanced at your phone and realized it was already 7:23 AM. With a bit of time before the kids arrived, you decided it would be a good idea to get to know Sundrop a bit better.

"So, Sun, what would you like to do before the kids arrive?" you asked.

"OH, ARTS AND CRAFTS! ARTS AND CRAFTS!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, without a moment's hesitation, as if he had this plan all along. You couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at his endearing child-like excitement. He started jumping up and down a bit from his eagerness.

"Alright, arts and crafts it is!" you agreed, joining in his enthusiasm. Sundrop squealed with delight and skipped over to the supply closet to fetch a bin filled with art supplies.

You watch as he speed-walks over to a tiny children's table. Sitting down on a small kid's plastic blue chair, he placed down the clear bin of art supplies onto the table. Spilling the contents out onto the bench.

You watched as markers and paper spilled off the table, creating a colorful mess on the floor. You walked over from the daycare's doors to approach Sundrop. It seemed he either hadn't noticed the mess or just didn't care. Either way, he was more interested in having fun with you than worrying about the scattered art supplies.

"Come here, I got all the possible supplies for art you could possibly want!" He exclaimed, grabbing your forearm and gently dragging you towards where he's seated.

Once settled in a small child's seat beside him, you notice he's a few feet taller than you originally saw, but then again he was bending down quite a bit before.

You grab a pencil and a sheet of paper, deciding to just doodle a little. After a small drawing of Sun you decide to draw the other animatronics in the Pizza Plex. You decide to go off of what you've seen on the walls and posters.

Freddy, Roxy, Monty, Chica, Bonnie.... You haven't seen a Bonnie around anywhere, yet you've seen a picture on old posters and worn out walls. Maybe it's just broken. I mean.. this is your first day.

Once you've filled up the entire page with doodles of the gang you flip the page over and sketch a little on the back side. mostly pictures of Sun. Maybe pictures of Moon in there as well. Like Bonnie you have not seen a Moon animatronic, maybe later in the day?

"Done." You state plainly as you give the paper over to Sun. then you stand up and walk over to the security desk. Not bothering to see his reaction. Checking the time you see it's almost time for the kiddos to come in. "Sun!" you call across the room. getting a quick 'yeah?' as a response.

"Almost time for the kids to come! pack everything up! I need to check things quickly before they come!" getting a 'mhm' come from someplace else in the daycare you sit down and grab a piece of paper, writing down what the animatronic did before the kids came.

Management makes you write down what Sundrop does before and after the work days for some reason. Honestly you didn't care if you had to write flaws or not, it's an animatronic. That's all it is. A robot. It has no feelings or emotions, sure it had very realistic emotion modes but that's it.

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now