Chapter 18: Some Strange Idiots

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Words: 1551

Spoiler warning for anyone who's not played nor watched a playthrough of Ruin. It's near the end btw


You've been eyeing this one kid in the daycare. The kid wore some sort of black pixelated wolf mask, the kind you'd find at a masquerade ball. It covered their entire face, and they seemed to be too old to even stay in the daycare—more like a teenager, around fifteen to seventeen.

They wore all black—black hoodie, gloves, pants, shoes. Hell, they even had black hair! Their shoes also looked unusual. They appeared much wider around the toes. They had a masculine body, tall too, around 6'8 feet. It was an extremely unusual height, especially for someone their age. The strangest part of this was that they kept staring at you, watching your every move.

Today, you watched them leave, and their entire family was exactly the same. All dressed in black, unusually tall, and wearing pixelated black wolf masks. Well, almost the same. What looked to be the mother wore entirely white instead of black, and what seemed to be the sister wore mostly black but their mask had a white patch going from the top to under the nose and to the left [their left], making the whole top-left portion of the mask white.

The, what seemed to be, father's mask seemed broken and busted. However, this was the only difference between them and the 'child' you were eyeing. Sun noticed this and assured you that he would watch them.

Right now it was almost closing time and you decided to stay over tonight once more to ask Moon about his personality change and about the time Sun got broken. As the day drew to a close and the last few children were picked up from the daycare, you couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that lingered in the air. The image of the mysterious teenager in the black wolf mask was etched in your mind, his piercing gaze haunting your every thought. Tonight, you knew you had to confront Moon about his sudden change in personality and uncover the truth about the time Sun got broken.

"Hey..." You heard a voice behind you as you were grabbing some snacks for the daycare.

You turned around and saw Michael again, he looked more hesitant to speak but continued nonetheless.

"Sorry about before... Promise you can keep a secret?"

You nodded.

".....I-I'm not alive... I-I KNOW IT SOUNDS FAKE BUT-... It's true... I got my innards scooped out by, ironically, an animatronic named Ennard. Ennard, he uhm... He lives inside my body now... along with multiple other animatronics... The voice changes you heard before? Y-Yeah, that's them.. I understand if you don't believe this, I just wanted to tell you..."

It took a while for you process the information, but after a while you understood. Sure it sounded crazy but then again, animatronics have been possessed in the past. This isn't really much different.

 "Yeah, I believe you," you respond.

"Wait, really?!"

"I mean... It isn't much different from the past, plus it would explain your voice changing. Obviously you can't change your voice into something that robotic. Even if you were a voice actor."

"Finally! Someone who understands! I like this human already! That's wonderful to hear dear. These buffoons are so... energetic... Eck! Ennard! Be nice! I'm sorry, you'll have to hear these guys a lot when talking with me.. They don't like to listen..."

"Oh that's alright! Although maybe stop them from talking when around others?" You suggested.

Michael shrugged, "I tried. It's up to them. I'll think up of a lie eventually."

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now