Chapter 10: Moony Gets Spicy

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Words: 747

This is for all you Moon simps


You woke up. You were cuddling a sack of warm heat, the heat felt nice, comforting even. You nuzzled into the heat, wanting more of that precious warm feeling. However, the sound of a soft chuckle and the feeling of the warm sack moving only made you freeze up.

This wasn't a sack...With a slow blink, you peered through half-closed lids and found Moon, wearing an amused smile as he observed your peaceful sleep.

"Had a nice cuddle with Sun, I see?" he teased, a touch of jealousy lacing his tone.

You nodded groggily, not wanting to upset the Moon.

"Yeah," you mumbled, still in a daze, "Didn't know Sun was such a fan of cuddles...." Your voice trailed off as you sat up.

Moon blinked curiously, then averted his gaze, mumbling something under his breath that you couldn't quite catch.

"[name], do you have a boyfriend?" Moon asked, still avoiding eye contact.

You turned your attention back to him, raising an eyebrow. "Nooo," you drawled out the word, emphasizing your confusion. "Why do you ask?"

Moon shook his head slightly, trying to conceal the joy in his voice. "No reason. Just curious," he replied.

You couldn't help but feel skeptical, but you decided to believe him for now. After all, he was acting rather strange.

Stretching your limbs, you attempted to fully wake up. But as you prepared to leave, your eyes fell upon the clock.

"Oh nooo!! The Pizza Plex is closed!" you exclaimed dramatically.

Moon glanced at you, a puzzled expression on his face. "So?"

You groaned in frustration. "I'm locked in, Moon man," you grumbled irritably.

"Oh yeah..." Moon murmured, looking at the time.

A mischievous smirk appeared on his face as he looked over at you. "Seems like you're stuck with me all night, Starfire~."

You shot him a glare, but Moon only laughed in response.

"Oh, I'll take good care of you, sweetheart," Moon purred as he moved closer, his hands enclosing you and leaving you no room to escape.

A light blush spread across your cheeks as you tried to ignore how close he was. "Moon," you hissed softly, attempting to create some distance between the two of you. "Stop," you insisted.

He frowned, leaning in closer and causing you to flinch backward. "What's the matter, Starfire?" he inquired, a hint of mischief in his voice.

"Nothing..." you muttered, not wanting to argue with him about it.

He advanced again, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back towards him. Frozen in place, you found yourself unable to break free. Your hands were trapped between the two of you.

Moon chuckled, clearly enjoying your predicament. "I love seeing you like this~," he teased, his fingers tracing gentle circles along your sides, sending shivers down your spine.

"Moon," you whimpered, feeling a mix of pleasure and unease.

Moon's laughter filled the air as he tightened his hold on you. Flushed and with your heart pounding against your ribcage, you couldn't understand why Moon was being so mischievous. It was far too early for this kind of playfulness. This was a mistake!

And then, he surprised you by giving a gentle lick under your ear, causing goosebumps to rise on your neck. It tickled and felt oddly delightful. You didn't even bother questioning how he had a tongue.

"Moon..." you breathed out, pleading for him to stop.

He chuckled, his tongue gliding along your collarbone and down your chest before finally pulling away, a devilish smirk on his face.

His eyes sparkled mischievously as he swiftly released his hold on you and stood up, strolling over to the balcony. "What's got you all flustered?" he teased, enjoying the spectacle he had created.

You huffed, rising to your feet. There was no way you were going to let him off the hook so easily. You'd get him back eventually.


There he stood, pleading for you to talk to him, let alone look at him. Instead, you just looked at the computer. Doing the work you had missed while you were asleep.

"Starfire please look at me," he whined, reaching over to grab your hand.

You pulled your hand away and continued doing work. He shouldn't have done that. You two weren't together. Besides, he was just a robot. A scrap of metal. Sure you've grown attached but still.

Coding is coding and that's that.

"Starfire please." Moon pleaded to you, the desperateness clear as day in his voice. 

You imply ignored him, not bothering to pay attention. This was payback. You'd talk to him in a few days.

But Moon knew what he was doing. He knew exactly what he was doing to you.

He grabbed one of your wrists, stopping you from working, and forced you to face him but you refused to look. His grip was firm and strong.

"Please." he whispered, staring deep into your [eye colour] orbs.

You pushed his hand off your face and went back to work, leaving a distressed Moon to himself.


You really though I was gonna give you fluff all the way through? Nah! >:]

But don't worry. It'll get better next chapter!

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