Chapter 2: Small Fries Await

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After a while of playing artsy-partsy with the little sun boy you heard the screaming and clattering of the small little flesh bags dragging their bodies towards the daycare.

You sigh, irritated with the fact that you now have to deal with them. Sun appears to notice this as he attempts to cheer you up, "Don't worry, this'll be over before you know it, Their great fun to be around once you get to know them!"

"Yeah, yeah sun boy, don't get your pants in a twist." You said, just eager to get the day done and over with. Why had your mood dropped randomly? You have no fricken clue.

Once the sound of the aged fetus' came rushing into the daycare you went to go to the security desk to do your work. Checking off the children who were here and who was not, you decided to do your own thing. Eventually leading up to you having a very joyous moment in beating a hard level in Candy Crush.

In your distraction of the outside world you didn't notice a small stubby gremlin walk up to your side and stare you down, looking into your soul like the little demon it is. Upon noticing said child, you turned towards it slowly, in an attempt to scare it. To no avail.

"What?" You asked, to which it replied with; "I emptied my poop cavity." Staring it down, you felt your right lower eye twitch at this. "...what?" You simply ask, needing to know if you heard correctly. To which it stated once again; "my poop cavity. I emptied it and put it in my backpack."

"Do you mind... explaining. What exactly is this 'poop cavity?'' You blandly asked, to which the sack of meat simply pointed, where you may ask? To its butthole. It's naked, uncovered, butthole.

You immediately stand up and waltz over to Sun who of course was playing in the ball pit with yet again, MORE flesh bags. "Sun." You said, to which the animatronic turned its head to face you, giving you its full attention.

"There's a kid over at the security desk who's butt naked and said it quote unquote 'Emptied their poop cavity in their backpack'." You say.

Due to this simple statement of what the aged fetus simply told me; Sun bolted out of the ball pit, careful not to bump into any of the other flesh bags as he scrambled his way towards the security desk. Then proceeded to, I guess, mentally scream as he witnessed a butt naked child sitting on the ground playing with some felted markers on the ground.

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