Chapter 32: Chat With The Blood Twins

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Words: 511

If you don't like how this Bloodmoon acts... suck it the fuck up lmao- Idk how he acts and this is how I think of him.

SunnyAndMoonyGirl, You dared me to post again I have done it.


You exited the theater, feeling the sense of unease leave as soon as you stepped out. This was all so strange. Did Bloodmoon know about Lunar before?

"Bloodmoon, are you ok?" You asked, hoping to see if anything was wrong.

Blood! Hurry up, we're hungry, you maggot! You said as soon as you got out! You lied! Give us what you promised us!

Yep, they're fine.

You guessed they might be bipolar or something. You knew you should probably find Eclipse in order to get the blood for your second soul, however, you yourself, was also hungry. You're sure they could last a bit longer while you grabbed some food for yourself.

"Hey, I'm going to find some food for myself before I find Eclipse." You told them. You want them to at least know what's going on instead of being in the dark until the last moment.

NO! GET THE BLOOD! You said that we would get it as soon a possible! GIVE IT TO US YOU BAG OF FLESH!

You ignored them, not ready to be insulted just for taking care of yourself. You however had to deal with them yelling at you to feed them the entire way from the theater to El Chips.

FEED US, YOU MONSTER! Calm down brother! I may be hungry too but we must not lose this vessel! I don't want to go back to before! BUT FOOD! This vessel will give us eventually!

you liked the calmer voice, he was nicer than the other one. What was his name again? Scythe? Yeah, Scythe and Harvest. Strange names. How'd those two names make up 'Bloodmoon'? you didn't want to waste time trying to find out.

You finally reached the indoor restaurant, finding absolutely nobody there as it was basically midnight at this point in time. You figured that you'd just make yourself some food. You quickly grabbed some nachos and sat down at a lone corner booth.

It's not fair that you get to eat and we don't!

You sighed at Harvest's whining and ate a chip.

Lets talk or something! We're bored! Yeah! If you're not going to feed us then entertain us, human!

"Well ok, geez. What do you guys want to talk about?" you responded blankly.


You hummed in thought before giving a short list of what scares you.

"What's your guys' fears?" You hum as you eat another chip.

We're not telling! We don't fear ANYTHING!

You sighed. this is going to be a hard conversation to keep. "What about your favorite animal?"

... a-nee-mol? What's that?

Did... did they not know what an animal is?

"It's the creatures that humans sometimes take care of. the things that live on the earth other than humans. I don't exactly know how to explain it. Sorry you two."

You think they might like bats, it's only a hunch though. The twins were silent before talking again.

Don't tell anyone this. Yeah! This is only for you and us. 

Are they talking about the animal thing, or an upcoming thing? "uhm... yeah, sure."

... We think we might have grown attached to you.

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