Sun, Moon & Eclipse Headcanons :D

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Eclipse - He loves having a soft blanket to wrap himself in.

Sun & Moon - they have a tongue that is used for tasting things to show the kids what to and not to eat. Sun's side is broken so that's why he likes eating craft supplies. Cuz it tastes good to him. Moon... Not so much.

Moon - Won't admit it but if the TV channel is always set on NetGeo Wild or AnimalPlanet, leave it there, Moon loves watching nature documentaries.

Moon -  Moon had a stressful day? You'll find him most likely snoozing away with his head and chest laid on a table. Or curled in on himself like a kitty.

Sun - This dude can and will make you a balloon animal-

Moon - Dance with him. He says he can't, but he can.

Eclipse - Too tall for his own good.

Eclipse - Enjoys climbing around in the vent system.

Eclipse - He's flexible, hence how he can fit into small spaces.

Moon - Attempts to cook- And, yes, he has to wear the chefs apron.

Sun - If you get hurt, he's gonna panic before actually attempting to get you UN-hurt.

Moon - Moon can't produce his own body heat, unlike Sun.

"Moon, would you bring this to the basement for me, please?" "...But it's freezing in there..."

Sun - He can't see AT ALL in the dark- He's clumsy because he can't see where he's going. [Eclipse, pls help this man.]

Sun - He prefers colder temperatures, the company thought it'd be a good idea to make the sun produce heat. The only reason he hasn't overheated the first 5 seconds after being turned on was Moon.

Moon - Even though he can't really go outside, Moon loves birds. He enjoys reading magazines and books about them. His favorite thing about them is the way that they sound and the various noises they can make- It reminds him of a music box.

Moon - This dude will literally pick up a spider and pet it. [After chasing you around with said arachnid.]

"Oh, look, [name]! It's so adorable~" "MOON- GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!"

Moon - One of the technicians had made a comment about Sun's and his appearance- Said technician got dropkicked out of the daycare. :]

Moon- He enjoys being by himself, although he doesn't mind company every now and then.

Eclipse - Will cuddle against anyone he trusts. He's like a cat. If your lucky you can even hear him purr like one.

Sun & Eclipse - Their rays are very sensitive. Pulling on them hurts, but if you pull just right...

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