Chapter 24: Disks

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Words: 490


You were both shocked and very confused once you saw Michael emerge from behind the desk. Michael looked confused at first but soon his eyes widened as he recognized the person standing before him. Your gaze flicked towards William but he seemed unfazed.

Michael stepped forward.

"You're... You're alive..." The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before Michael continued. "How are you human?!!" He shouted. His voice echoed in the room as everyone froze and stared in shock at Michael. It was clear that they weren't expecting that. "How the fuck are you still alive?!" He screamed again.

Everyone seemed to tense and you could see Eclipse beginning to tremble slightly. You looked over at William and he only had an indifferent expression as he stared calmly at Michael.

"Michael, you should know that I have backup plans. Especially ones that allow me to be normal again." You heard William explain calmly. "And even if I couldn't, then I wouldn't be William Afton."

Michael huffed, "What'd you do this time! Kill more kids?!" He yelled.

"No." William replied with a shake of his head, causing Michael to freeze. "I used one of my disks. It's truly wonderful how this place has kept them safe for me all this time."

Michael stared incredulously at William for a minute before speaking again, this time with more caution, "what disk...?"

You saw William's smile widen like a Cheshire cat. You could hear the slight edge to it as he replied in a calm tone. "The illusion disks. They've been using them here you know." You could feel the tension building between William and Michael.

"Wait, what?" Michael demanded.

William shrugged. "Yeah. Turns out you humans are really stupid. Though I'd have to give them credit for using it in such a remarkable way." William glanced at Eclipse, who was shaking more visibly now. He looked like he was stuck in ice with how much he was shaking.

Michael frowned, looking confused as he said, "wait. What do you mean? What have they been using the disks for?"

"Oh nothing special." William waved dismissively as he continued, "just a mask, a child," William's smile stretched impossibly wider now, as though he were pleased with himself, "and a little daycare attendant."

This time it was your turn to be stunned. Sun and Moon? Did that mean that this 'illusion disk' is just making an illusion of a Sun and Moon? You couldn't believe it. You've been working with Sun and Moon for months now, surely this couldn't be correct.

"So that's how they transform..." Michael muttered.

"What?" You demanded, not understanding what the hell is going on.

He turned to look you straight in the eye. "That's how they change into each other. The disk alters their appearance, and coding does the rest to change the AI." Ennard explained, taking over Michael's voice. "There's no reason to worry, though, they're completely safe. The disk doesn't harm."

You nodded, looking back to William to see him gone. What?

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