Chapter 3: Mister Moon Man

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Waving goodbye to the kiddos, your mood seemed to brighten up a helluva lot more than when those children were there.

Walking up to a supposedly traumatized Sun, you place your arms on his shoulders and hug him from behind. Letting your arms dangle off his shoulders as you press your cheek into his faceplate.

"Sorry that happened my little Sun boy." You stated while hugging your little saddened fellow.

He turned his faceplate to look at you. A soft smile appears on his face as he sees yours. You swear you saw a slight red colour dust across his face before he turned away from you.

He reached up to one of your arms with his hand, patting it gently. "Thanks, I really appreciate this Sunbolt." You feel your face warm slightly at his small nickname. It was so... unique! Nevertheless. You smile at him, even if he can't see it.

"I'm goin' to clean the daycare up and shower. Wanna help me clean Sun boy?" You ask, taking your arms off him, you hear him pout a little before turning around to face you. Still sat, criss-cross applesauce on the floor. "No thanks, I'm ok. I just need to clear my head a little. Thanks though for asking Sunbolt!" He replied.

You nod, happily waltzing over to clean up a few stray toys that were left behind by the kiddos. Placing them back into their designated places before going back to Sun, patting his head. His sun rays retraced where you put your hands, and you could potentially hear a soft whirring coming from him, but before you could figure out if you heard it or not. It stopped.

"Ok Sun boy, I'ma go shower. Take care, I'll be back soon. I promise!" You chirp before walking over to go shower.


Walking out of your nice steamy hot shower, you walk over to the security desk. Once there, you look around for your cherry, child loving friend. Only to find him nowhere to be seen.

"Sun?" You call out. Only to hear your voice echoing throughout the empty daycare. The music was for some strange reason turned off and the daycare's lights were out.

Checking your phone you realized it was 12:37AM. WAY over your work's scheduled time.

Recalling Vanessa's rule describing, you remembered that the Plex's doors close after 12AM. So! Doing the only thing you could. You stayed inside.

Deciding against going out the daycare's doors, you decided to stay inside. You could look for Sunny while you're at it!

Standing up from the security desk, and of course grabbing a flashlight from the desk. You make your way to the centre of the daycare.

"Sun!" You called out. "You there?" ...nothing. 'Odd, normally when I call him he'll either respond or come over.' I thought. "SUN!?" You called again.

......Still nothing

You scan the surroundings of the daycare's play structures. Looking around for the familiar silhouette of that sun-shaped animatronic.

However, the only things you saw out of the ordinary were; a few stray toys you know you put away, some coloured markers, red glowing eyes in the distance and a mess of the tables in the da- wait... red eyes?!

You shot your gaze back towards the red eyes and your own widened in terror as you stared those piercing orbs down. The feeling of something eating away at your soul dug into your brain, you snapped out of it at the sound of a gravelly chuckle scratching at your brain.

A chill was sent down your spine as you heard a soft 'thump' was heard less than a few feet away from you. Paralyzed in fear you just stared. Stared into those crimson red eyes.

The chuckle came again, and this time. You built up enough confidence to turn your flashlight on, shining it at the unknown silhouette. What you saw was oddly terrifying.

It looked like Sun, except... not. the 'eclipsed' side of his face being painted over with black. The moon looking animatronic seems to be wearing a star decorated night cap with a small yellow bell on the top. His yellow looking parts seemed to be switched into a dark navy blue.

You see him hissing aggressively while lunging away, running while crouched down slightly towards a corner. With caution, you follow.

"H..hello? Sun, is that you?" You spoke with mild curiosity but mostly fear. "I'm not Sun my dear~" he said. "Don't worry however. He'll come back eventually..." He added

You see his eyes glowing in the pitch dark, What do you do? Approach of course! So that's what you did. Approaching, you placed the light back on his structure only to make him make a low voiced, but high levelled screech.

You get closer to him. Only to have him leap up towards you, grabbing both your wrists. You gasp in surprise, the sound only making his grasp tighter.

The tightness makes you uncontrollably lose your grip on the flashlight, the sound of it clinking against the ground and rolling away only struck more fear into you as now all you could see was the horrifying glowing and somewhat pulsing red eyes.

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now