Entry #4

108 5 14

Words: 417


William comes into view, sitting down in the chair. The solar animatronic sits in the background, holding a fuzzy kitten and petting it gently.

"Hello, whoever is watching this. I've noticed the new animatronic, who I have named Lun-R, also known as Lunar, has been acting up much more than it should. It's been taking a liking towards ways of torture, as well as the idea of gore and murder. This, I do not take as a good sign."

"Lun-R was supposed to be a copy of Clip-SE, just incase of Clip-SE malfunctioning, or if I manage to destroy it. Hopefully it doesn't get destroyed. If not me, then someone else."

William looked over his shoulder to check on the solar animatronic, seeing it nuzzling it's faceplate against the kitten. William sighs before turning back to the camera.

"I feel worse today. My sanity is slipping more and more each day. These... thoughts... All these violent. Awful thoughts... they keep. coming. back!"

William puts his face in his hands, groaning into them.

"I killed a kid today... Not any normal kid... My co-worker's kid. Charlie... That poor kid didn't do anything wrong. I couldn't control it. I was going over to bring them to Henry and next thing I know..."

William sucks in a hissing breath as he pulls at his hair.

"Her blood was on MY. HANDS..."

The solar animatronic notices it's creator's upsetting emotions and stands up, walking over and attempting to offer the kitten.

"Hm? What? Oh... no thank you. It's yours, remember?" William says, leaning away to show he doesn't want the baby cat.

"You appear to be enveloped in a veil of disquietude. Allow me to offer you solace, for I have observed that the felis catus, a creature known to humans as the cat, possesses a remarkable ability to ease their troubled souls." The animatronic responded.

William shook his head and gently shoved the cat away.

"Take the damn cat and sit in the corner!"

The solar animatronic quickly pulled the cat close to it's chest as it backs away, the animatronic's rays shrink in as it backs away. The animatronic seemed to either not like loud noises, or it's never experienced an outburst before.

"Go!" William shouted, pointing to the corner.

The animatronic scurried over to the corner, clutching onto the fuzzy ball of fur close to him as he sits down, keeping a locked eye on it's creator. William sighed and looked back over to the camera, placing a hand on his forehead.

"I think I'll end it right here. It's happening again."

End of Entry #4

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now