Chapter 28: Harmed and killed

108 5 14

Words: 702

TW! Huge warning for body gore and blood


You lied to me.

Its claws slashed the air with extreme accuracy, each swipe sending shockwaves of pain and shock into your body. You cringed, and cried out in agony from the impact every time it landed a blow. Blood was now covering the whole area, dripping off of the walls. Your head bashed into the wall as the vixen used an endo foot to shove you into the wall.

You grunted as your head bounced off the neon and blood painted walls. You coughed up some blood, which stained both of your lips red. Your heart hammered against your chest with pure adrenaline rushing through your veins and causing dizziness to overcome you. You heard the vixen screech loudly, and the world was slowly fading. You blinked a couple times, trying to regain yourself as your sight began to fade. The last thing you saw before passing out was the vixen charging towards you again.


You groaned as you stirred awake, letting yourself open your eyes a crack. Everything around you became blurry at first but then cleared up. Everything was in grayscale, which made you panic slightly. Why did your entire body hurt? Had the vixen injured you that much? You sat up from your position lying on the floor.

Suddenly, your vision focused properly, making it easier to see your surroundings. It looked like you were still in the Mega Pizzaplex, but it was all in grayscale, and.... broken down... Everything looked run down and broken. the walls were torn down in many places. Posters, paint and electronics were chipped, ripped or not available. Screens were smashed and cracked, paint was torn and chipped all over, posters and advertisements were unreadable. The list could go on.

Where were you? This clearly wasn't the Pizzaplex. What exactly happened here? And how did you get here? How come there wasn't any sign of Eclipse or anyone else?

A soft whisper drew your attention and you started heading towards it. It sounded as if the voice was echoing throughout the room, though it seemed like it came from somewhere near you. It sounded like a echo was lacing the voice, except really distorted. You followed the incoherent whispering until you turned a corner. There, sitting curled in on itself in a dark corner, was a small child.

Once your gaze landed on the child, the whispering became more coherent.

"I told you, I feel someone has joined our realm!" It aggressively but quietly hissed.

"Boohoo Evan! We know you're lonely but you can't make that stuff up!" Another responded, more quieter.

"No, he's right. I feel a disturbance in this realm." That last one... The last voice left different. Stronger, meaner, powerful...

Suddenly, a head snapped in your direction, the sound of cracking bones filled the air, making you flinch. The child you had your eyes on kept it's gaze on you as two more children emerged from behind it.

One was a boy, with short messy brown hair and a black and white striped T-shirt with black leggings. The most disturbing part of it, was the child's head had an entire section exposing what appeared to be a brain, that had been squished, and crushed into pulp. Black eyes with white pupils bore into you as he scanned you.

Next to him was another boy with orange curly hair and a torn red and white striped T-shirt. He had bright yellow eyes—scratch that, eye—one eye was gouged out, the popped, oozing, puss-leaking eye remains was dangling from his eye socket, blood staining the surroundings of his gouged eye. One of his arms was ripped clean off, becoming replaced by some strange, red-furred mechanical pirate hook arm. He also wore a little black pirate bandana around his neck.

The third and last child was a girl with long brown hair with matching brown eyes. She wore a white shirt with a dirty, torn and old-looking green jacket overtop. Blue jeans accompanied her outfit. Two purple streaks went from her eyes to her chin, resembling tears. Faint black and white stripes covered her legs and arms. A bloody stab wound was in her chest and she appeared to be the least gory out of all three of the small children.

The female spoke up, her voice echoey and ghostly.

"Hello, [name]. I've been expecting you."

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