Chapter 26: Feral

118 6 26

Words: 1055

TW! Blood & Robotic blood. It's basically a bloodbath

Roxy's lookin' drunk af


You walked beside Eclipse as you two left the west arcade, heading over to the daycare, back to Sun and Moon. It was a silent walk back, the only sounds were the ticking and whirring of Eclipse's gears, fans and joints.

"Say, Nova," Eclipse started. "You said that I'd be able to see the stars one day. When do you think I will be able to?"

You didn't reply for a while, trying to remember that said conversation. "Sorry Virus, I don't remember that conversation."

"You said, And I quote: 'we can find a way to bring a piece of the stars to you. Even if it's just through books or pictures, we can explore together'. This was when I was still absolutely terrified of you, little Nova."

"Oh yeah," you mumbled, remembering that interaction. "Yeah, I actually do have an idea in mind Eclipse. However, I'd like to keep it a secret for now, I would like to surprise you."

Eclipse... Purred? no, that couldn't be right. But...

A soft vibrating purr emitted from Eclipse's voice box as he huddled his hands together, close to his chest. "Oh, I do just love surprises little Nova!" He exclaimed, the purring sound growing louder.

"Are you purring?" You ask, making him open his once happily closed eyes.

"Yes! Indeed I am! The felines that humans keep around are so cute! The noises they make are so adorable! I managed to gather enough information from felines, in order to mimic this one sound," Eclipse responded cheerfully.

You hummed in response and looked ahead, seeing the daycare ahead. The surprising thing was what was standing outside. There, standing outside the daycare's doors, was that white, broken vixen you had seen that day you were trapped in the Pizzaplex.

It somehow looked more ragged than what you remember. It's fur was more ruffed up and it seemed it had a few more tears in it's skin.

It seemed oblivious to you approaching so you decided to use this chance. You signaled to Eclipse to stay silent. He was confused, but obeyed nevertheless. You crept up to the animatronic, making sure to stay hidden behind objects.

The vixen seemed to be contemplating something, meaning you only had one chance to grab it and restrain it. With Eclipse with you that'd be easier than if you were alone. You managed to hide behind one of the potted plants that sat outside the daycare, and waved Eclipse over, making sure that he knows to stay quiet.

"I need to catch that animatronic," you whispered to him once he got over.

"But why Nova? It's not harming anyone." Eclipse whispered back.

"It could be dangerous later on, I just need to catch it. Once I get a grip on It I need you to restrain it for me."

Eclipse hesitated for a bit, thinking it over before reluctantly nodding. Good, you had a plan set in motion now. All you had to do now is sneak closer and keep it in place long enough for Eclipse to grab it.

You readied yourself, bracing yourself to lunge. You pounced, being as quick as possible to reach the fox. Your hand was already inches away from the vixens head when its head suddenly shot towards your direction.

You didn't have time to react and you grasped it by the neck, yelling for Eclipse to hurry and restrain the vixen. Your ears hurt as the vixen produced an extremely loud, high pitched, screeching, staticky sound. It made your eardrums feel like they were splitting in half. It seemed the vixen's voice box had been damaged.

"Virus hurry!" You called for Eclipse again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Eclipse hurried over, grasping the vixen by the tail and pulling on it to try to drag it away from you. Unfortunately, it wasn't cooperating and instead tried to scratch your face off.

You stumbled back from the feeling of it nipping your chest with it's jaws, and hit the ground hard from your recoil. Your vision swam as you looked up at Eclipse. His face held an expression you couldn't read but it looked like he was panicking. His teeth were tightly gritted, and he was practically growling. You hadn't been prepared to take on such a difficult, violent animatronic. Even with Eclipse's help.

The vixen screeched loudly, coiling it's snake-like body tightly around Eclipse's waist as it struggled to release itself from his hold. Claws dug into Eclipse's arms and torso as it tried to free itself. Maw unhinged as it threatened to bite his face off.

It. Was. Chaos.

You got up, rubbing the spot the vixen nipped your chest, right below your collar bone. It was throbbing, but it felt better than you thought it would. The pain was dulling, though. You ran to assist Eclipse, grabbing hold of the vixen's arms but it was strong. Stronger than you and Eclipse. It roared out, producing that screeching, horrid, glitched sound from it's voice box once more.

Its jaw unhinged to show sharpened, razor sharp teeth, shone in the light as it bit down on your shoulder, making you scream out in pain. You grabbed onto its jaw, struggling against it to keep it from sinking its fangs deeper into your flesh. You screamed again as it claws under your rib cage, tearing into you. You felt the blood seep through your shirt but you didn't dare let go of the top of it's jaw to feel. You weren't willing to risk your arm getting ripped off by the shoulder.

Eventually you felt the pressure release as Eclipse managed to pull the screeching, feral vixen away from you. However, this made the vixen's teeth tear a long deep gash across your shoulder, making you gasp in pain. You dropped your hold on its jaws as a new wave of agony washed over you. A dark blood oozed from your wound, staining the pristine white tiles beneath your feet crimson.

"Nova! Are you alright?!" Eclipse yelped.

You getting hurt must've distracted him for too long as the vixen took this chance to slash it's claws across his faceplate. Eclipse hissed in pain as oil splattered all over the floor and walls. This made him loosen his grip and allowed the vixen to escape from his grasp. You fell to your knees, gasping out in pain and clutched your bleeding shoulder. The vixen aimed for you, putting all it's focus on you entirely.

It lunged, baring it's fangs.

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