Chapter 20: Broken Sun

145 7 17

Words: 733



You have tried how many times to talk to Moon? Three? Four? It's like there's some unstoppable force from being able to ask him! That or you get distracted. [most likely the 2nd option due to your author having ADHD ;-;]

Tonight you weren't going to back down, you will ask Moon.

William walked up to you as you were playing with a few kids, kneeling down beside you and tapping your shoulder. You look over your shoulder, giving a quick hum to show you're acknowledging him. You noticed William looked more fearful than usual. Normally William is calm and strangely sassy. Right now he looks like he's being assassinated.

"I don't think we should have this animatronic stay in the daycare," he proclaimed, standing up as you did as well.

"Why? It looks fine. Sure Moon might get jealous bu-"

"That's not what I'm talking about!" William cut you off, "it's dangerous! It kills!"

You rolled your eyes and huffed, sure most of the old animatronics killed but this one seemed too innocent. Most likely William decided to play a prank on you using said animatronic.

"I'll talk to it, ok?"

"No don-! ugh!"

William couldn't finish his sentence and groaned in frustration as you just up and walked over to the animatronic.



"William over here said you kill." You said, jabbing a thumb at William.

The animatronic looked offended and placed a hand on it's chest.

"Why on Saturn's rings would I do that?" It asked, raising an eyebrow.

You simply shrugged. "I don't know, Willy over here said it, not me. I just came to clarify." [Willy Wonka >:D]

"I don't just kill. Honestly, he should think before jumping to conclusions."

You nodded in response, "yeah, sorry, he's a bit of an a-"

"NO SWEARING IN THE DAYCARE! THERE ARE KIDS!" Sun interrupted you mid sentence. 

You chuckled and looked in Sun's direction, seeing him getting dogpiled on by basically all the kids. You honestly had no idea what they were doing and decided to try and analyze the situation.

This was mainly because you were bored out of your mind and the new animatronic was not that talkative. William was also on break so you quite literally, had nothing to do.

You however had to stop your analyzation of the situation when one kid ripped out two of Sun's rays. Your eyes widened at both the scene and the pain in Sun's scream.

You quickly ran over, picking up the kid and practically tossing him to the side. You shooed the others off, attempting to get them away from Sun before tending to him.

The kids did not want to leave as they thought the pain inflicted upon Sun was quite fun.

You did not.

The kids kept pulling at his wires and metal casings, doing everything in their power to rip their caretaker apart.

You finally managed to get the kids off after a while.., however the damage had already been dealt.

Wires were snapped in half, oil was leaking onto the ground, most of his endo was striped of its casing. You pulled Sun up to see the extent of the damage and felt him attempting to resist against you, this failed however as he was too weak to try and stop you.

You lifted his faceplate to try and see if his face had been damaged beyond repair, and your heart sank at the sight of him. Oil stained his once cheery-looking face as it dribbled down his cheeks, transforming his once happy and carefree smile into a painful frown.

"Oh... Sun bun..."

You pulled him in, placing his face on your chest and rubbing his back gently as to attempt to sooth him. You felt him shaking in your arms as you sat with him, hearing his sobs of both pain and sadness.

"What's going on here?! [name]?! Sun?! What the hell happened while I was away?!"

You turned to see William running up to you from the doors, confusion was palpable in his voice. You didn't hesitate to blurt out what had happened, from talking with Lunar to Sun being dismantled by the kids.

William huffed and helped you stabilize Sun to the point where he can stand up. William then stated that you should get to Parts and Service, and that he would help you get Sun there. You accepted him help, seeing as Sun is a five hundred pound animatronic and made your way to Parts and Service.

Little did you know, five figures were lurking in the dark, watching your every move.

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now