Chapter 14: Insanity

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Words: 875

Two chapter in one day? Alright!


You explained your situation to Sun, leaving him even more confused. Deciding not to dwell on it further, you both chose to go about your own activities. Now, you find yourself working on tomorrow's tasks at the desk while Sun engages in conversation with Eclipse. You had decided to eat your lunch since you weren't able to before, making you energized and ready to work.

You've noticed Eclipse has been utterly terrified of you ever since you snapped at him when you two met. You liked the feeling of being superior to him, the feeling of being in control, the feeling of him cowering underneath you.

The insatiable desire to relish that intoxicating feeling courses through your veins, making you yearn for the trembling fear that he would surely make in your presence, to revel in the sheer vulnerability that renders him utterly powerless before you.

In your mind's eye, you can vividly picture him writhing and squirming under your grasp, futilely attempting to escape your clutches. The thought alone sends shivers of anticipation coursing down your spine. Oh, how you long for that wonderful sensation, that indescribable rush—to have him lying beneath you, pleading for mercy that you may or may not grant.

"Sunbolt are you ok?" Sun's voice snapped you out of your daydream, his worried expression making you realize that you were staring intensely at Eclipse.

"I'm fine Sun. Just thinking."

Your words made Eclipse more scared, making him fidget with his rays. The sight alone sent shivers down your spine. You wanted the feeling.

You shook your head violently. No, no! Why are you thinking of these sorts of things?! Sure Eclipse is dangerous but you don't want him to be so scared of you that he'd vibrate with fear when you were in sight.

At least you don't think so.

You've never had these thoughts before. The thoughts of scaring him into submission. To make him bow down to your will. You sighed and looked up, seeing a glimpse of white in the edge of your vision. Thinking that it was the fox again, you shot your head up; however, when your eyes landed on the spot you thought the fox was, it was gone.

You thought you was a bunny but decided that it was your mind tricks on you. You had the feeling you were going insane.

The lights flickering made you look at the lights dangling from the ceiling, seeing that they were indeed flickering and not your mind playing tricks. You quickly looked at Sun, seeing that he was frantic and trying to find someplace with a constant light source.

You knew it was inevitable. The company sucked so of course they'd have bad lights. That or they just want to torture the daycare attendant. Wait, if Moon is coming out then what will happen to Eclipse?

You don't know if Eclipse knows about Moon. Even if he did he wouldn't know how to talk to him or that he's acting strange. You didn't want management to yell at you that you had let Moon destroy the new animatronic they 'made from scratch'. Sighing you grabbed your flashlight.

"Virus!" You yell, making Eclipse jolt and turn to you.

He looked utterly terrified. He didn't know what was going on and he probably thought that you think he did something. To make matters worse, he backed away. You groaned in annoyance. This is going to be much harder if he doesn't cooperate.

"Virus get over here. Now!"

Walking over to him made him only walk backwards more. The flickering lights and Sun's constant screaming of trying to find a illuminated place wasn't really helping either. It only made you look even scarier to him.

His rays were shrunken down and his body was tense, coiled up like a spring ready to be let go. He finally backed up enough to where his back hit a play structure. Once his back hit the plastic he only tensed up more. His shaking was very visible even from miles away, you could see his eyes locked onto you, looking at you, pleading with you.

That feeling from before came back, making you want to harm him, to see his body broken and scared. You shook it off. now was not the time for this. The lights burst, making sparks fly and a loud sound echo throughout the daycare.

You faintly heard the sound of Eclipse yelping in fear, thinking that it was you before everything went quiet. You groaned, turning on your flashlight and grabbing Eclipse by the arm, making him reel back and out of your grip.

You turned to him angrily, making him shrunk in on himself.

"Virus. Come. Now!"

He yelped and warily came over. Once he was within arms length you grabbed him. making him produce another small yelp of fear. You dragged him over to the security desk. Quite easily you might add too. Despite his reluctance to come close to you he was very easy to drag.

You pushed him behind the desk, making him lose his balance and almost fall. He managed to catch his balance using the wall though. You didn't really care about that though. You cared about Moon. Now that the lights were off you had a chance to talk to him. You just hoped he was in the mood to have a conversation.

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