Chapter 11: Sorry moony!

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Words: 1225


Time: 4:24 AM

A vixen wanders into the closed building, its once beautiful body now littered in dirt, scars and gashes. The middle of its lower left leg had its outer coating ripped off, exposing the inner endoskeleton. Its whole left arm also has its casing stripped away while the top right quarter of its face is shredded off.

Matted fur is spread along the vixen's body. Some in more places than others. It had a slight limp as it wandered. A golden left eye darting around warily. The right eye is covered by locks of white fur.

The bottom parts of Its jaws were ripped in half, the two bottom parts of it moving out to the sides ever so slightly with every mimicked breath. The breathing is most likely an added attribute.

It kept its hands in a defensive position while making mental notes about every light, sound and movement. The tip of its tail ripped clean off, leaving a pointy endo part as it swished its tail.

The vixen wanders into the outer part of the daycare, the bright lights shining onto the dirty white and faded pink fur covering most of its body. With bright lights now present, the scar going slanted across the top of its dull pink muzzle was now seen clearly.

Looking around it notices a sign saying 'Slide into fun!' with a hole underneath it. Due to the vixen's common curiosity, it cautiously stepped in head first to see what was inside. Resulting in it falling down the slide.

The crashing of multiple coloured balls fills the vixen's senses as it falls down the slide. It perked up on high alert, getting out of the pit hastily. The vixen whimpered as it knew someone would have heard the crashing of multi-coloured plastic balls hitting against each other.

The vixen's golden eye darted around in a hurry, looking for a place to hide. It looked up, seeing metal beams crossing the top of the ceiling, perfect to climb up on and hide out.

It climbed hurriedly upon the play structure until it reached the very top, it's tail swinging limply behind it as it dug it's metal claws into the plastic. At the top of the structure it looked at the net warily, it had no choice but to jump.

It readied it's body, positioning it like a predatory fox, ready to pounce and bite into it's pray. The vixen took a deep breath before shoving it's body off. It latched it's claws into the net wiring, ripping bits of it to shreds while trying to maintain it's balance.

It took a deep breath and climbed, hoping that nobody had seen it yet nor would. Once it reached the top it lunged again, grabbing hold of a ceiling beam. It lost it's grip a few times, trying to bring up it's body but finally managed to fix it's body and get up.

It looked down upon the daycare, sighing in relief as it managed to get up. It'd rest here a bit, then go and find what it was looking for.

Time: 5:34 AM

You yawned as you opened the doors to the daycare, you had forgotten to do some work last night and had to get it done this morning, it was rough but necessary. You walked into the pitch blackness of the daycare, ready to get things done.

You had come a bit earlier to talk with Moon before work, it had been about a week and a half since you'd last talked to him, during that time he had been profusely apologizing and begging you to look at or talk to him.

You didn't. You ignored him that entire time, pretending you couldn't hear him or you'd just walk out. One time you even turned the lights on just so you wouldn't talk to him. Sun has been trying to get you to speak with him but you had told him many times that this was punishment for Moon.

You two were not together, nor did you want that. At least you didn't know you wanted that. Even so, Moon should have at least asked you. Consent dude, consent!

You think Moon has been trying to get Sun to talk for him. Sun has been saying things that Moon might be asking or saying, whether it be something to do with your day to watching the kids play [yes I know it rhymes].

You make your way to the security desk and bend down to switch on the monitor, the light beaming into your eyes and potentially blinding you due to your eyes already adjusting to the darkness. You turn away to be able to still see in the dark. You still had to talk to Moon of course and you don't think it'd be a good idea to talk to a Moon you couldn't see.

Besides. The light was just to show him you were in the room. You placed down your phone, bag and lunch, then sat on the security desk. You waited in the silence, listening for Moon's movements.

Then the soft sound of a jingle came to your senses, making you smile. He's here, he knows you're here, and he should be ready to talk to. After all, you haven't spoken to him in almost two weeks.

"Moon!" You call out, leaning your head back, crossing your arms over your chest and crossing your leg over the other. He'll come.

That soft jingle stopped and it turned into utter silence once more.

"Moon come on! I wanna talk!" You yelled out.

You smirked and unfolded your arms and legs as that jingle became rapid, along with quick mechanic movements. The sounds slowed and stopped behind you, making it known that Moon was right there.

You swerved your body around, doing criss-cross applesauce on the desk.

"Hiya Moony~," you purred in a sing-song voice as you looked up at him.

Moon's eyes were focused on you, taking in every detail as if it would be the last time he'll see you. You placed your chin on your palm, your other hand jus sitting on your leg. Moon was hesitant but took a small step closer.

"You... Would like to talk?" He asked.

You nodded, "I think we can talk again. Everything can go back to normal but we need to set some ground rules, ok?"

Moon nodded and came a bit closer.

You removed the hand from your chin and placed that on your other leg, just like the other. "Ok, here's the rules. Due to you doing... what you did last time... I'm not going into your room with you anymore. Nor am I going to be sleeping here anymore."

Moon nodded again, paying very close attention to be able to remember everything.

"You can hug me, and such but you just can't do anything like cuddling, holding, etcetera. Ok?"

He nodded again, seeming quite upset about the decision but remained quiet.

"Third rule's that you need to remember that we are not a thing. We're not a couple and not in a relationship. I think that's it. If there's anything else then I'll add them. You understand all of that?"

"Yes." He replied quietly.

Silence engulfed the place before Moon decided to brake it.

"So... can I hug you?"

You smiled at his hesitance to ask and nodded, jumping off the desk and outstretching your hands. Moon gave a happy smile at this and engulfed you in a hug, clearly happy to be able to talk to you again.

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin