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The party was already in full swing by the time I got there. I wasn't sure if I would go but since this was my house, I couldn't get out of it even if I wanted. Due to my name and a mix up at the administration office, they had housed me in an all-boys house. Mainly the basketball team. Another student with the same name, a guy, was living in a dorm. But he liked it there and didn't want to switch. I didn't mind really, I got on very well with the guys on the basketball team. Most of them were like big brothers to me, others... well they could count as something else. But they were all fiercely loyal and protective over me. Not that I needed another person to do that. Bryn and Jake did that more than enough. That's why I haven't told them about my housing. Thankfully they never asked to visit. I always came to their house, or we met somewhere else. I doubt they would come to the party of the basketball team. They never had.

I only took one step into the house before Lucas had his arm around me and thrusted a cup in my hand. Lucas was one of the not-brother types. He kissed my cheek and raised his cup.

"Here's our girl!" He shouted and the whole team cheered.

"You are so weird." I chuckled.

"And you love me for it." He winked. "Are you going to stay for a bit or head upstairs?"

"I've been hauled up in the library all day, so I'll stay for a while."

"Great! Then dance with me, Len."

I smiled up at him and gestured to my bag. "Can I first put my things away? And maybe get changed into something else."

He looked me up and down with that easy smile. "You look perfect, darling."

I rolled my eyes and shoved him a little. He chuckled. I went upstairs, after I put in the code to my room I changed out of my baggy jeans and simple shirt. I picked a simple little black dress from the cupboard and ran the hairbrush through my hair. I wasn't going to do anything else. It's not like I wanted to impress someone. I just wanted to relax a little with my friends.

After I closed the door behind me, I walked back down. Lucas was now standing with the rest of the team, playing beer pong. I froze when I stepped from the last staircase. Jesse, the captain of the football team was here. And if he's here – shit, my brother and Jake must be around here somewhere. I glanced around the room quickly in search of them.

"Don't worry. It's just me and Davis."

I looked back and Jesse had found his way next to me. He was wearing dark jeans and a white shirt that showed his muscles just so. His dark brown hair perfectly tussled and his dark blue eyes roamed over my body. I knew he wasn't interested in me like that. I knew his type. Skin and bones. And before the party after the game a few weeks ago, I didn't think he even knew who I was. Well, he certainly did now.

"What are you doing here? You never come to a basketball party."

He shrugged, turning his gaze towards the crowd. "I thought I would try something new." He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "What are you doing here?"

I frowned. "This is a party, right? Or are you going to snitch to my brother, so he could haul me home."

"I wouldn't do that. You're old enough to make your own decisions."

"Then why ask why I'm here?"


"Hmm." I pursed my lips. "I thought you would still be mad, you know after..." I gestured with my arms.

"Oh, believe me I was. But what do you know... the next day at practice they did exactly what you told them. I still don't know how or why you do that, since I am the captain. But I can let it slide, if you don't do that again."

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