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It was three weeks after the trial. Three weeks and the bruises were finally starting to fade. The day of the trial was long and exhausting. I had breakfast with three of my favourite men in the world before meeting with Jesse's father. Things seemed to be going better between them. He asked about his internship and classes and seemed genuinely interested. He promised me that both Cameron and Graham would get what they deserved. Apparently, Graham had a history of abuse already. Two complaints of his ex-girlfriends and he was on probation. He got tossed back into prison the day after the trial. Cameron had to pay a fine to all the people he harassed, gave emotional damage or assaulted. He was forced into therapy that he needed to take in his time in prison. Because yes, he had a prison sentence of two years. Jesse's father, Johnny was a hardcore lawyer, and it was quite epic to see. He treated us to lunch after the trial and promised to follow up with the two men in case they would appeal or would be released early.

Jake and Bryn decided to explore London for the day a bit and visit Liam who lived and worked there. Jesse asked what I wanted to do. And for some reason, I wanted to visit his granddad. He smiled wildly at me when I suggested that, and his father got a car for us to drive us there. I had seen Jameson a few times since December. I thought he had told Jesse that, that I visited him in the time we weren't speaking, but he hadn't. So, he was quite surprised when he learned of it during our visit. I loved Jameson. And I noticed he got lonely sometimes, so I tried to visit him once a week.

In those three weeks, there wasn't a day I didn't spend with Jesse. And I didn't know it was possible but I fell even harder for him. Just seeing that beaming smile when his eyes found me after he or I exited a room. I slept at his place a few times a week, nobody on the football team dared to ask any questions when I was there. They just talked to me like they always did, even though I now sat in their kitchen with Jesse's shirt on. Even though that stupid one kiss a day rule is long gone (me and my stupid rules), we didn't kiss in front of our friends. Kisses on the cheek and temple, yes but not on the mouth. But when I saw the others looking, I knew that those gentle touches and kisses against my temple said more than a snog would say. But apparently, the moment I'm not there, they bombarded Jesse with questions.

The weather was starting to get warmer. And normally Riley and I did a lot of our sessions through zoom but now his husband was sick and couldn't take care of Harper. Jesse instantly said to bring him over, so we could work, and he would keep busy with the baby.

But that's where we – where I – snagged on a problem. I couldn't keep my eyes off Jesse and Harper. Riley and I were sitting on a blanket on the grass with our laptops trying to work. But Jesse looked so damn amazing with baby Harper, I couldn't tear my eyes off him. He was so good with him. Someone was playing acoustic guitar nearby and he had picked up Harper and started to dance with him, making funny faces. Harper giggled in delight.

"He's amazing with him." Riley said suddenly, his eyes on the pair too.

"Yeah." I breathed.

I felt him watching me. "You're in love with him."

I still couldn't take my eyes off him as he beamed down at the baby. "I am." I whispered.

"But you're not together?"

"It's complicated."

"You're both in love with each other, how is that complicated?"

I tore my eyes away from him and turned to Riley. "We're graduating in two months. Our careers our going in totally different directions. Literally. We'll be on opposite sides of the world."

"Then why not make the best of it now?"

"That what we're doing. Just without commitment or promises."

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