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It was the first time, people saw me and Jesse at a party together. It was the first party I've really been to this new year. I've gone to one other party after one of their games, but Jesse and I quickly slipped upstairs. Now it felt like an official announcement that Jesse and I were... something we weren't exactly. But at the moment I didn't mind when Jesse pulled me flush against him and we danced. Danced like the day on the grass field. Like there was nobody around, like it was just us. I wasn't even aware what kind of music was playing, I was just aware of him as we slow danced.

A day after we danced on the sound of the acoustic guitar, Riley had sent us both a picture he took. Riley did photography in his free time and was constantly taking pictures of Harper and his environment. And that day, he took a photo of us dancing. He had sent it to me with the caption: This is what true love looks like. I didn't know if he sent the same caption to Jesse. But it made my heart skip several times. And the photo was beautiful. The sun shone brightly behind us, our heads close, and our arms wrapped around each other. We were smiling at each other.

And tonight we danced for hours. We danced until my leg couldn't take it anymore. Just a reminder of my upcoming surgery on Monday.

"Jess." I whispered. "I need to sit for a bit."

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Just my leg acting up."

"Come here." He guided me to the couch and pulled me close. He rubbed my painful leg softly. "How does it feel?"

"Better." I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. "The surgery is on Monday, so I think I'm heading to my room soon."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, no. You've spent more time with me then your team mates lately. Enjoy the rest of your night with them. I'm just going to rest up." I stood up ignoring the pain in my leg, I leaned down to kiss him. "I'll see you tomorrow, babe." I winked.

He kissed me again. "Tomorrow." He smiled contentedly. "Good night, love."

I made my way towards the staircase and Lucas came over. "You going up?"

"Yeah, want to rest up before the surgery. Where's the lucky lady?" I asked with a grin. Lucas smiled at me.

"Dancing with her friends." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll come to the hospital with you. Otherwise, I'll worry too much."

I wrapped him in a hug. "I would love for you to be there."

"Then you can count on me, darling."

I smiled. "I need to get upstairs without Jesse and the team noticing. Otherwise, they'll bombard me with questions, and I'll have zero sleep tonight."

"I can do that." He winked and kissed my cheek. He stepped to the other side of the room, grabbed the microphone from the music table and tapped the top. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Who is the ready for the most brilliant prank of the year?!"

The whole room hooted and shouted. Even Jesse turned to him. I saw my opportunity and slipped upstairs.


I had an amazing night so far. I had danced with her for hours on end. Had her in my arms and it just felt perfect. I really wanted to end the night with her, but she was right. I had neglected my friends since I spent almost all of my time with her. She was amazing for trusting me, for giving me time with my friends. I saw her talk to Lucas for a minute or two before she headed to her dorm. I got a text from her saying she was in her bed, ten minutes later. Lucas was still explaining the elaborate prank that the basketball team came up with. A prank that will start at two o'clock that night. I made my way over to Davis, James and Tristan, who were playing beer pong against a group of girls.

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