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I woke up with Jesse's arm still around me, his face nuzzled in my neck. I gave myself a minute to enjoy this for one last time before I untangled myself from him and let him go forever. That kiss yesterday, had sparked something in me that I thought had gone when I left Cambridge five years ago. But I couldn't think about how it made me feel, how I felt for the man behind me because he was set to be married. Just as I tried to pry his arm from my waist, I heard two raised voices behind the door. Through the window, I saw it was Lily and an older woman I didn't recognize.

"Why aren't you married yet?"

"I asked him to move up the wedding." Lily snapped back. "To do it before the surgery, but he didn't want to. I can't force him." Did Lily want to marry Jesse sooner because of love? Or something darker.

"I literally dropped you in front of him at the charity event two years ago. You should have married him last year, at the latest."

Jesse tensed behind me, and I rubbed my hand over his arm. "Who is Lily talking to?" I whispered.

"My mother." He said, a dangerous tone in his voice. I took in the woman through the small window. I had never seen her before or a picture of her. I never felt the need, since she was such a horrible mother to Jesse.

"Did you know she set you up?"

"No. I never knew she knew my mother. I never introduced them. I haven't seen my mother in years."

"Why would she do that?"

He shook his head against me. "I don't know."

My fingers played with his. My voice growing even softer. "Does this change anything?"

He dropped his head, his lips brushing against my neck. "Lennox -"

The door burst open, and I flew out of bed. Lily and Jesse's mum were standing right in front of me.

"Lennox." Lily's voice dripped with venom. "How nice to see you here... with my fiancé."

"Lily!" Warning edged Jesse's voice. "Don't." He pushed himself up in a sitting position. "Mother. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to be here for my son, for you."

"You haven't been in my life for over a decade. Don't pretend to start caring now." He snapped.

"I'll - uhm – give you all moment."

"Lennox, no-" Jesse started with pleading eyes, his hand outstretched towards me. But Lily pushed herself by me and clasped Jesse's outstretched before sitting on the edge of the bed with him.

"I think that is best." She sneered.

"Lennox Watson." Jesse's mum held out her hand when I wanted to slip past. "I'm Emma Abbott, Jesse's mother. I've heard a lot about you." Her eyes travelled down and up my body with a scrutinizing gaze. I shook her hand, and she pulled me closer, so she could whisper only for me to hear. "You are nothing compared to Lily. You are nothing compared to Eloise. Stay away from my son, he deserves a woman that looks and acts the part."

I couldn't help the tears that gathered in my eyes, making my gaze blurry. I glanced at Jesse for a second, his worried eyes on me. "Good luck, Jesse." I said and I couldn't help the quiver in my voice. "And goodbye." I stepped out of the room without looking back, even when he called my name.

I quickly made my way towards the lifts, not looking at anyone. When I bumped against someone I murmured. "Sorry." Before continuing.


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