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Five years later


Planning a wedding is exhausting! So much money and time for one single day. I just couldn't wrap my head around it why people would do that, but here I am, doing it. I'm trying to get the wedding as eco-friendly as possible. But my fiancé is quite picky and if I may say it, high maintenance. We started dating three and half years after I graduated. I met her at a charity event to raise money for building ocean-cleaning boats. It was an event I was hoping to see Lennox again. The only woman I had ever really loved. But she wasn't there. I haven't seen her in five years. Five years, three months, 24 days, seven hours and – I checked my watch. Thirteen minutes. Not that I'm counting. I had moved on from her. It took me a long time, but I have. I haven't even spoken her name in three years. Did I miss her? Obviously. She was a big part of my life once. She was there for me with my father and granddad, helped me make important decisions and was just a steady fixture in my life. I still see Jake and Bryn regularly, as well as his parents. But both mine and Lennox's lives were so busy, we never crossed paths. Even after five years, I still followed her professional Instagram page. After five years, that photo of us was still on there. She had a twitter account too, but it was obvious it was monitored by her publisher.

When I needed to name my company, it came quite easy for me. I wanted to name it to the two people who supported me, loved me and helped me made my dreams come true. My grandfather and... her. My company is named J.L Green Key.

Lennox was a successful author ow. She had written seven books, six in five years and they all ended up as best-sellers. A few years ago, I read in a magazine that she was linked to Marina Mammologist Wyatt Stern. Yes, the same Wyatt I had met at the New Years Eve party five years ago. Most people didn't know who Wyatt was since he wasn't a celebrity or was in the public eye, but I knew instantly. I would never forget that face.

Lennox had appeared in multiple magazines over the years. Not only interviews for her books, or the film adaption to her third book. But also, because she was the spokesperson for WWS. But she didn't appear in only serious magazines, sometimes she was found in gossip magazines. People seemed to love her. A picture of her and Tom Hiddleston, the star of the film adaption of her book. One where she was spotted in LA with a heavy bag of Barnes and Noble.

But now Lennox Watson was making the headlines for the past two weeks. And not only gossip magazines but also the newspapers and the news on TV worldwide. She had broken into an abandoned zoo to rescue the remaining big cats, that were just left there to starve in Serbia. She had planned everything. And she took the fall while her partners in crime got away with the rescued cats. There were several pictures of her. One where she was forced to the ground by a police officer. That image made my blood boil in anger. One where she flipped off the disgusting owner as she was guided off the property in handcuffs. But it was the last one that shocked me to be honest. It was a picture of her being led into a courtroom. Wyatt was there with her, trying to shield her from the cameras. But on her other side was my father as her lawyer. I couldn't believe he didn't tell me. Nobody ever told me anything about her because they knew how hard I took the 'break up' but that was years ago, and I was now happily engaged. He should've told me. I haven't been able to reach him since I found the picture last week.

But back to her work as an author. As a spokesperson for WWS she encourages people to use eco-friendly and recycled products. So, all of her seven books, even the first one, were made of recycled and eco-friendly materials. From the cover of the book to every single page that was used or the ink on the paper. All of it. She also encourages people to buy the e-book or audiobook.

Of every book she had written, she made two unique signed books. They were made out of elephant poo. Apparently, she keeps on for herself and then auctions off the other for a good cause. The latest one had gone up to a hundred-fifty thousand pounds.

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