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Almost two weeks had passed and I would see Lennox tomorrow night if nothing came up in the meantime. But right now, I had an afternoon off. I didn't happen much during the week, but two meetings had fallen through and cleared my calendar. I debated texting Lennox but decided against it. She said she was busy and then I reminded myself she shouldn't be the first one I should call when I'm free. So, instead I called Lily.

"Hi, honey."


"I have the afternoon off. And I was wondering –"


"If you wanted to come and visit my granddad with me? You still haven't met him."

"I wish I could, but I'm really busy." I could hear her girlfriends giggle in the background. Right, busy. "And I don't want to sound mean, sweetie, but what are the chances your granddad will make it to the wedding? He's 88 years old."

I took in a deep breath, trying to rail in the anger. "Fine, I'll go by myself. I'll see you tonight."

"Oh, tonight I'm spending my night at Angie's. A sort of pre-bachelorette party."

"Right." I said through gritted teeth. "I'll see you tomorrow then." I hung up without waiting for an answer before going down to the parking lot. The wedding was still four months away, so why did she need to have a pre-bachelorette party? I shook my thoughts away, clearing my mind when I stepped into my car. I put on some music before driving out of the garage.

"Debbie." I smiled when I stepped in the retirement home. Debbie was the head nurse here and had been working there for more than fifteen years. A few grey hairs weaved between her light brown hair that was pulled up in a tight bun.

"Jesse." She smiled in surprise. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Yeah." I smiled. "Had a free afternoon, thought I pop by for an extra visit this week. How is your cute granddaughter?"

"Oh, Marine just turned four on Monday. Had a whole party with ponies and bouncy castles. How is the wedding planning going?"

I sighed, leaning on the desk. "Exhausting and repetitive. Just four months and it will be over."

She grimaced. "I've known you for years and years now, Jesse." She squeezed my hand. "Just think about what makes you happy, alright. There is no wrong choice."

I wasn't quite following, but I nodded anyway. "So, where can I find my lovely granddad?"

"Oh, -" She smiled a knowing smile. "Jameson is on his weekly date."

"A weekly date?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep." She grinned now. "Been going on for over five years now."

"Is that so?" He never told me anything about it. "Is it Martha or Joanne?"

"Neither. But I think you will love his date." She winked before she waved her hand. "Go on. They are in the garden."

She was being very cryptic. She had never been that way towards me, so what did that mean? Who would I find on my granddad's side? I passed the grand room where elderlies were playing games or watching TV. I greeted them all with a hello or a smile before I stepped out in the garden. I scanned the large garden. The trees, the walk path, the pétanque lane. Then I spotted him in the pergola. Someone was indeed with him, but he was sitting in front of her at a round table, so I couldn't see who it was.

I walked up to them and when I neared the pergola, I froze when I saw who was sitting opposite of him. They were laughing as they played a game of cards. Lennox was sitting there. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at my granddad, at whatever he told her. She said something I couldn't hear from where I stood, but I heard my granddad's loud laughter fill the air, throwing his head back.

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