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It was an afternoon full of screaming kids but still I was smiling when I looked to Kevin Grant. The real one this time. He had short black hair, brown eyes and a kind face. He was in his mid-thirties. He looked good but tired raising three kids alone.

"I had a great time, Kevin." I glanced to the table to the children. "And from the looks of it, so did the kids." Amelia, Kai and Ryan had tired expressions on their sweet little faces. "Ryan was just the sweetest."

"He is. He's the most sensitive one of the kids." Kevin had a soft smile on his face. "And it was fun, I agree. We should definitely do this again."

We gathered the kids, put on their winter coats and made our way to the full parking lot. "It's amazing to see really. Amelia and Ryan are so different, but they get along great."

"Amelia the dare devil and Ryan the more timid one." He smiled. "But they seem to balance each other out. And Kai is quite the firecracker." He chuckled.

"Tell me about it." I grinned. "I think he stole some of his brother's energy before multiplying it by four. But I guess we tired them out today, so the parents all get a calm night."

"Here's hoping." He laughed as we arrived at our cars. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "It was a pleasure to meet the famous Lennox. I've heard a lot about you. But you're even more amazing in real life. I hope we can organize another playdate soon."

"I hope so too." I turned to the kids. "Hop in, little munchkins." I turned back to Kevin as the kids climbed in the car. "I'll text you whenever I have the kids again. And if you don't want to be alone too long with Jake on a playdate, you can always call me for back up."

He laughed as he fastened Ryan's seatbelt. "I'll keep that in mind. See you soon, Lennox."

"Bye." I waved as he stepped in and drove away. I stepped in the car and smiled at the already sleeping kids through the rearview mirror before driving home.

Later that night when both kids were dropped off at their parents, I flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV exhausted. I wasn't really watching anything as I grabbed my laptop and checked my upcoming calendar, my fully booked calendar. An email popped up about my latest book and I clicked it open. It was an email from Lonny, stating the first book tour stop was in London, the first weekend of December. Knowing the book was coming out soon made me nervous. Even after seven books I got nervous for signing tours and waiting to see if my book was doing well or if it was going to be a bust.

I took everything in me not to ask Kevin about Jesse. About how he had spent the past five years, how he is as a boss, how his relationship with Lily was. No, I could definitely not ask him that. When Jesse found my private Instagram account, I wasn't sure if I was going to accept him. It would show him almost everything that had been going on with me in the past five years. The good, the bad. But it was Jesse... Of course, I couldn't deny him. Did my heart skip a beat when he liked the old photo of us? Maybe. It might have been an accident, but at that moment I didn't care.

Just as I was about to go to his page, my phone rang.

"With Lennox."

"With Charlie." He said in the same manner but chuckled a little afterwards.

I leaned back against the couch and smiled. "Wow, a call after only two days. You work fast."

"Well, yeah." He said. I could hear a smile in his voice. "You are very popular, miss Lennox. I wouldn't want to be too late."

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