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I fell asleep intertwined with Jesse. And I didn't freak out. The first time I woke up with Lucas like that, I nearly had a meltdown. But with Jesse, I just felt safe, cared for. I knew Bryn and Jake had come to peek inside my room because my door was wide open. Apparently, Bryn would think I would fuck Jesse with my dad just a level below us. Yes, we were an open family. But I didn't want my father to hear me have sex. Not that Jesse and I were even close to having sex.

When I woke up the next morning, Jesse had almost pulled me entirely on top of him. I was lying on his firm, hard chest. Feeling the muscles and six pack clearly under his thin shirt. I let my eyes wander over his broad arms, hard chest, the dip between his collarbones.

"Are you ogling me?"

I looked up to him with a sleepy smile. "I can appreciate a nice body."

He groaned, dropping his head on the pillow. "You really need to stop looking at me like that." He opened one eye and I looked at him innocently with big doe eyes. "Or like that. Or being friends with you is going to be extremely hard."

"I can feel something else that is completely hard." I wiggled my hips over his boner. He hissed between his teeth. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?"

"For everything you did yesterday. As of now, I can call you a real friend."

He pushed my hair behind my ear. "Thank you for opening up, even if it was just a little bit. And thank you for listening."

I leaned my head against his. "We're both messed up, aren't we?" I laughed softly and his fingers dug into my hips.

"Yes, we are."

"I'm going to take a shower. I'll see you downstairs for breakfast." I gave him a last smile before I rolled over his warm, firm, oak scented body.

Oh gods! Jake and my brother were already awake when I came down. Eline had made them sit on the table so she could treat their wounds. Wounds! They both had bruised hands. Bryn had a busted lip and a black eye. Jake's other eye was coloured too, and he had a nasty red and blue mark on his jaw.

"What were you thinking?" I hissed. Pressing an ice pack harshly against Bryn's brow.

Bryn waited until Eline walked to the laundry room to wash the bloodied cloths. "Shh, dad and Eline don't know what really happened. They think we just walked into a bar fight."

"You shouldn't have gone to him."

"He hurt you, sis. And he continues to hurt you. And as long as he continues, I will continue to hurt him. He's a massive asshole and he deserves more than two black eyes and two broken teeth."

"Two broken teeth?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"That's Jake's doing."

Jake bowed with a flair. "It was my pleasure."

"We shouldn't let him get to us like this. He thrives on it."

"Well, now he thrives with matching black eyes and broken teeth." Jake grinned.

"Lennie." Bryn took both of my hands in his. "It's been three years. And ever since him, you haven't had a boyfriend. You haven't even gone out on a date with anyone. I can't just stand by and watch you suffer because of what he did."

I pulled him in a hug. "I'm fine, Bryn. I'm over it. I'm over him."

"Oi!" Jake yelled. We pulled apart to look at him. "You're making me feel left out."

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