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I froze, my fork still in mid twirl on my plate as I looked at him. I swallowed but my throat was still dry when I said. "Cameron?"

"I know you asked me to let it go, but I couldn't. I couldn't let him get away with what he did." He intertwined his fingers with mine, holding my gaze.

"What did you do?" I asked quietly, looking at our hands.

"I didn't go after him directly. I wanted to, believe me. But I thought Bryn and Jake handled that pretty well." He smiled a little. "I asked my dad to do a background check on him. He came back with some information the day before we had dinner with him."


"You're not the only one he did that to. His parents always made it go away. But my father found enough evidence for a trial. It's this Monday in London."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just found out a week ago and we weren't talking. I didn't want to make you even more angry with me or drop something like that through a text." He bit his bottom lip. "But if I'm being honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell you because you asked me to leave it alone. And I didn't want to hurt you even more."

What he did for me, nobody else has ever done that for me. He was amazing. Just so fucking amazing, it nearly killed me. He's amazing at the small parts. The texts, the little gestures like picking me up from class. And then there was this, something so huge and confrontational. All of it made everything so much harder for me. Made it so much harder to stay friends. He started to shuffle in his seat nervously as I held his stare, saying nothing. I was just lost for words.

"Are you mad at me? Did I overstep?"

I just looked at him. And I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But not in a restaurant full of people. I wanted to snog him senseless. I wanted to do so much more to him, but kissing needs to be enough. What that man is doing to me is unreal. On one side I wanted to jump right in, make things real and official. But the largest part held me back. My history, his history, it all just held me back.

"Lennox." He cupped my cheek. "I'm so sorry. I should have never -"

"I want to leave."

He dropped his hand, his lips turned fully downwards. "Okay." He said softly.

He paid and led me towards the car, our hands clasped. It was dark out and the car was in the back of the carpark. When he saw me shiver, he wrapped his arm around me and tugged me close. I wanted to wait until we were back at his room, but I couldn't. The moment we stepped into the car, I climbed over the gearshift and into his lap.

He looked wide-eyed up at me. "Lennox?"

I grabbed his collar and slammed my lips against his. He gripped my hips tightly and pulled me flush against him. He penetrated my mouth with his tongue. And gods, how amazing he kissed. I felt like I was addicted to it, to him. My hands went into his hair, and I tugged. My lips found his neck and I kissed my way down until I reached his shirt.

"This needs to come off." I murmured, tugging at his shirt.

He chuckled low. "Not that I'm complaining." He groaned, his fingers in digging in my flesh. "But why-"

"Because you are amazing. You are kind and attentive. And seriously hot." I grinned. "And I just couldn't stop myself. I wanted – no, I needed to kiss you."

He trailed his fingers over my cheek, smiling up at me widely. "Then you know how I feel every time I see you." He brushed his nose gently across mine. "And even though this is extremely hot, especially since you are still wearing my clothes." I chuckled before I nipped at his finger, eliciting a moan from him. "But maybe we can continue this, whatever this is, in your dorm."

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