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I couldn't believe Jesse's father. Jesse was sitting in front of me in the train, he was watching some kind of program on his phone. He was still tense. I could see it in his shoulders. Not that I blamed him, anger still burned through me. Everything started okay until his father started on his school. He didn't approve of his studies, but it was even worse when it came to football. I couldn't believe he never saw his son play. I should have known, Jesse told me all about his parents. But still it was like a slap in the face. I can't imagine how it must feel for him. I stopped typing on my tablet and looked at him. He had kicked off his shoes and stretched his legs out on the seat, leaning his back against the window. His phone rested in his lap and his head dipped forward, letting his hair fell over an eye. He had a privacy glass on his phone, so I had no idea what he was watching. But he had a little smile tugging at his lips, so it must be something nice then. He was really gorgeous.

I never believed his father about the fact that Jesse was using me. I did believe I wasn't his type, despite whatever happened before. The way he reacted after the bath incident was proof enough. But I didn't need him to find me attractive or his type. Even though I found him gorgeous as fuck, we would still just be friends. Even if he found me attractive things wouldn't become more than friendship because neither he nor I did relationships. And we were in our last year, our lives will drift apart after we graduate anyway. So, even this friendship would be short termed.

I looked back to my tablet and smiled a little. Ever since I found my groove, partly because of the man in front of me, I had written seven chapters.

"What are you smiling about?"

I looked back at up at him, that little smile had turned bigger. "I'll tell you if you'll tell me what you were smiling about."

I wasn't sure I was imagining it or not, but it looked like a flush crept up his cheeks. "We're off on the next stop."

A half smile tugged at my mouth, and I closed my tablet and put it in my bag. The train was slowing down, and Jesse put on his shoes and offered his hand to pull me up. When we stepped out, I saw the sign.

"Chelmsford? What's here?"

"You'll see." He held out his hand. I knew I shouldn't but interlocked my fingers with his anyway.

A ten-minute walk later, we arrived at a private retirement home. Jesse held the door open for me and we stepped inside. At the information desk a young, petit woman was smiling broadly when she spotted Jesse.

"Mr Abbott."

Jesse leaned forward against the desk and gave her a flirty smile. "Danielle, Danielle, Danielle. How many times have I told you to call me Jesse?"

She leaned closer to him too, pressing her arms closer to let her breasts pop up. She was exactly his type. Skinny, perky, beautiful. "Only about a two dozen times." She smiled up at him. "How long are you in town for, Jesse?" She purred his name.

"Leaving in three days, why?" It sounded like he already knew why she asked.

"Three days is enough time meet up again, isn't there?"

"I might be able to squeeze you in." He winked.

I rolled my eyes as I was being ignored and I strolled to a large room. I felt a small twinge inside, but I brushed it off. I walked in what looked like a large sitting area. Some older folks were watching TV, while others were playing different games on small tables.

"Who are you looking for, missy?" A man with a full head a wavy grey hair was smiling up at me as he shuffled cards.

"I have no idea, actually." I chuckled.

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