Marshall & Skye's First Day Out

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Summer Pups

Chapter 2:

Marshall & Skye's First Day Out

Monday June 8, 2020


Zuma's Living Room

[Zuma's POV]

Everyone, well, MOSTLY everyone likes summer. Some do, some don't. I think summer is alright. The reason why I think that is because it's one of those times where I can spend most of my time swimming in places. The pool, the beach, and sometimes the ocean. I'm a really great swimmer. My dad was teaching me how to when I was a young pup because I wanted to be like him. My mom was kind of worried though. She thinks that I would get in some type of trouble whenever I'm swimming or diving. I told her she never has to worry about that. As long as I'm paying attention to what my instructor is doing, I should be fine all the time. Now back to the summer thing, I said it was alright. Apart from swimming, summer is pretty much like a guilt trip to me. The weather doesn't really make it better for me either. It gets really hot all the time in Adventure Bay and I hate it, but most pups don't seem to care about that. Even though I enjoy swimming, I do consider myself an "indoor pup."

Most of the time, I like to sit in front of my TV and play pretty much every game I have on my gaming console. Call me a weirdo, but that's how I like to spend most of my summer. Some pups aren't sure about my style, but the one pup who doesn't like it is Skye. I like her as a friend and all, but sometimes I can't stand her because she's always on my tail. She keeps telling me how it's "unhealthy" or "unnatural" to stay inside in the dark and play video games all day. Is she right? I guess, sort of she is, but I don't need her reminding me 24/7. But speaking of Skye, I heard that she has a cousin, whose parents own a country club. It's basically like a summer resort hotel-like place. I've only been there once because it was her birthday one time, but that technically means she can go there whenever she wants. I think!

Now, whenever I'm not playing games or swimming, I'm in bed sleeping. School is out, so I can just sleep in for how long I want. That is until I'm woken up by my father. He doesn't like it whenever I'm in bed past noon, so he always does anything to wake me up. But to be honest, I can't help it. Whenever we don't have school, sometimes I would like to stay up all night watching TV or playing my games. The times where he lets me have it is if I'm still in bed when he gets back home from one of his diving runs.


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