Cage Diving

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Summer Pups

Chapter 10:

Cage Diving

Monday June 15, 2020

11:32 am

[Zuma's POV]

I was a bit nervous about today. Today, my dad said that he was free and he was going to take me to go cage diving. I should be excited but I wasn't. I've always been talking about going diving. I even thought about being the first pup to walk the pupriana trench. My dad said I can bring my friends along since it was all on him. I asked my friends who wanted to come along. It was me, Marshall, Rocky, Chase and Rubble. I was surprised that Rocky wanted to come along since he had a strong displeasure with huge bodies of water. My dad drove us to the docks and got on the boat that we will be going cage diving in. We all drove off the docks and drifted off into the open water. I went up to Rocky to see how he was holding up.

Zuma: "Hey, dude. How you feelin right now?"

Rocky: "A-A bit on edge. Just..Just not used to this..."

Rubble: "I don't understand. Why did you come with us?"

Rocky: "Honestly, I just wanted to try to get over my fear. I felt like this was the best time to do it."

Zuma: "Wait so, y-you actually want to get in the water?"

Rocky: "I...I want to try.."

Rubble: "Well, I think it's cool that you're trying to get over your fear of water."

I got closer to Rocky.

Zuma: "Yeah. I totally believe in you, dude!"

I patted him on the back and smiled. I'm not sure where it came from, but I have developed a liking for Rocky. In fact, I have liked him for a while now, but I was scared to say anything. I was afraid of what my friends and parents would think of me if I came out, so I just stayed silent. Another reason I didn't ask him out was because I saw him kiss Skye on that day. Did that mean he wasn't actually gay? I didn't want to believe that. Maybe I saw something else. I promised that I would confess my love to him one day, but there was one little issue.

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