Back Together

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Summer Pups

Chapter 18:

Back Together

Monday June 29, 2020

12:55 pm

[Chase's POV]

Three and a half hours have passed since we departed Adventure Bay. Everest hasn't been able to sleep again after that little nightmare incident. I had sympathy for her. I had trouble sleeping when my mother passed away because I witnessed it firsthand. Even now, when I close my eyes, I can still see it.

I gave her an earbud piece and we watched a movie together on my phone to help her stay calm. She was going great. It took some time for me to see her adorable smile once more. About thirty minutes in, the car began to lose speed. I didn't give it much thought because I assumed it was just more inbound traffic. That is, until I heard Rocky call out.

Rocky: "Hey guys, look outside!"

I let my mouth drop as I peered out the window. We were entering a tiny park within a vast forest. The size of the trees astounded me. A few dogs were standing in front of a small hotdog stand named Carloz. We're probably going to stop here for lunch. That was fortunate for me because I was starving after not eating much for breakfast.

Zuma's parent's pulled into the parking lot and we all got out. We were all gawking around with pure joy. Even though I'm not a big fan of the outdoors, I'm really enjoying the visual sensation that standing on the plush grass in the middle of the forest gives me. And it was ten times better with the hotdog smell. My mouth began to moisten.

Everest: "Woah, look at this amazing place!"

Rubble: "Is it bad that I like this place better than adventure bay?"

Skye: "You've only been here for 30 seconds."

Rubble: "I know, but look around you! It feels so calm!"

Rocky: "Yeah, I agree with Rubble. I just feel like laying on the grass right now."

He said that, and Rocky instantly collapsed. Then Zuma approached and took a seat next to him. There's something about him that I've noticed. He's been attempting to get closer and closer to Rocky over the last few weeks. Could it be that Zuma has feelings for him? Most likely not, no. Like Marshall and me, they're just regular best friends going about their normal lives.

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