Fresh Air

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Summer Pups

Chapter 23:

Fresh Air

Tuesday June 30, 2020

11:30 am

[Chase's POV]

Breakfast was amazing. None of us knew why Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, and his parents were gone, but once they came back with bags full of groceries, it all made sense. They wanted to go all out for us. In fact, there were so much that we had to cook with them. But that wasn't an issue for me, since it was actually pretty fun. I was in charge of making the pancakes and the bacon, since I was pretty skilled with it. Skye wanted to make the eggs since she knew all the spices and flavors she could use. Marshall wanted to help out, but he was afraid of messing something up. I told him not to worry and he could help Everest set up the table instead. We didn't really need Rocky's, Zuma's, or Rubbles help since they weren't really experienced with cooking like us.

Once we were all finished with breakfast, we got in the van and drove down towards the beach. When we got out, I was instantly blown away by the extreme heat. When I checked the weather on my phone, I groaned. It was about 80 degrees out. To be honest, the weather in Adventure Bay was worse than this, but still. Rocky came prepared though. In his bag were ice cold water bottles, enough for all of us. We all thanked him and went off to do our own thing. Skye and Marshall went off to the beach, Rocky, Zuma, and Rubble went off to the arcade area, and me and Everest were off to the boardwalk.

We glanced at some of the other interesting things nearby as we made our way there. We stopped by the carousel. I didn't care how old I was to ride that thing, hearing the sound of Everest's laughter was all I wanted to see and hear. Then something caught her eye as we were strolling. She pulled me to the side and pointed at a giant stuffed polar bear. She begged me to win it for her as she gazed at me through her gorgeous bright blue puppy eyes. Naturally, though, I would say "yes" because I would do anything for her.

After many fun games and a few ice cream cones, we made our way to the boardwalk. Now that we were closer to the water, the hot air didn't even annoy me as much. We were strolling to the end of the boardwalk, just making small jokes and whatnot. We sat down on a spotlessly tidy bench close to the edge and gazed out at the seemingly never-ending body of water in front of us. Me and Everest held our paws together and locked eyes for a moment. It's been a minute since we've genuinely had a pleasant and peaceful moment whenever it was just us two. And I don't want this to end.

Just when we were about to head off, I heard an enormous sound in the sky. I believed it was a missile because of the sound, but when I looked up, it was a jet flying by. And then it was followed by another. And then another. I was a bit confused at first, but then I realized that this must've been some kind of air and water show. I never would have imagined that something amazing like this would happen today. I just know that Skye is around somewhere just enjoying it.

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