The Resort

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Summer Pups

Chapter 19:

The Resort

Monday June 29, 2020

7:10 pm

[Chase's POV]

After a very long ride, we finally arrived at our destination. Most of us were asleep. I think I was the only pup that was awake. I checked the time on my phone and it was 7:10 pm. I was really surprised by the timing. I figured that it would be nighttime by the time we would get here. I guess that's that thing about summer or hotter days. Since we're around this time of year, it would take a while for it to get dark out and when the fall starts, that's when it gets dark quicker.

Zuma's father woke up all the pups to let them know that we arrived at our destination. With a stretch and a few yawns, they all sat up and gathered their belongings. Since Everest was the only one still asleep, I gave her a gentle shake to wake her up. Her gorgeous blue eyes slowly opened, and she began to look around her. I wanted to know if she felt any better than what happened the last time she went to sleep.

Chase: "Hey Ev, how'd you sleep?"

Everest: "I..I slept alright actually.."

Chase: "No nightmares?"

Everest: "Not really. A-Are we here?"

Chase: "Yep! Come on, let's get out of this cramped car and stretch our legs!"

Me and Everest slowly got out of the van and were instantly blown away with the gentle breeze of the wind. It felt so serene. Even so, it wasn't as hot as I thought it would be. I took a quick look at my phone's weather report. It was 78 degrees outside. Being surprisingly warm made me think it was crazy. I even considered spending the night outside.

I glanced over at the cabin where we were staying. Outside, it didn't appear to be all that large. However, Zuma showed us a picture of the cabin's interior on the way here, and it looked fairly roomy. Never judge a book by its cover I guess.

I went to the back of the van, where the pups were grabbing their belongings out of the trunk. Once we all got what we needed, we finally went inside of the cabin. We were all amazed by what we saw. The entire space had a brand-new car smell to it.

The entrance was pretty tight but the place was pretty big. Once you enter through the front door, there are stairs to the left that lead to the basement, which has one bathroom, one bedroom, and a small room that's for relaxing I guess. And then to the right, there are stairs that lead to the living room, the kitchen, another living room, and more places than that.

Zuma's mother showed us around the cabin and the rooms that she said we can stay in. There are five bedrooms in total. Zuma's parents would take the big room, so the pups and I got into another small but fun fight about where we were going to sleep.

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